Issue - decisions

General Fund Budget 2024/25, Capital Programme 2024/25 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2024/25 - 2027/28

07/02/2024 - General Fund Budget 2024/25

The Executive RECOMMEND that Council:


       I.          Agree a 2.99% increase in Waverley’s Band D Council Tax Charge for 2024/25 with resultant increases to the other council tax bands; 

     II.          Agree to continue the Council’s existing Council Tax Support Scheme at the current levels; 

    III.          Agree (a) to a general inflationary increase to Fees and Charges for 2024/25 except for car parking charges and some limited other exceptions as proposed in Annexe 4.1, (b) agree the increase to car parking charges as proposed in Annexe 4.2, and (c) agree the specific other increases to the fees and charges as proposed in Annexe 4.3; 

   IV.          Approve a general inflationary increase of 4.5% to the weekly charge for all garages from 1 April 2024;?

     V.          Approve the General Fund Budget for 2024/25 as summarised in Annexe 2, incorporating the baseline net service cost variations detailed at Annexe 1 and Annexe 3; 

   VI.          Approve the General Fund Capital Programme as detailed in Annexe 5;  

 VII.          Approve the reserve movements as set out in Annexe 6 and to agree a delegation to the S151 officer to agree draw down from the reserves if the use is in line with the approved purpose; and

VIII.          Approve an increase in inflation provision proposed within the General Fund budget of £111,252 to be funded by the £159,459 increase in funding guarantee grant as confirmed by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on 5 February 2024.