Issue - decisions

Public Spaces Protection Order No.1 (Dog fouling) and Public Space Protection Order No.2 (Dog Controls)

07/06/2023 - Public Spaces Protection Orders Dog fouling and Dog Controls

The Executive RESOLVED to recommend to Council that:


1.        the updated Public Space Protection Order No.1 relating to dog fouling be approved.


2.         the updated Public Space Protection Order No. 2 relating to dog control, as amended to remove Hollowdene Recreation Ground, Frensham, be approved.


3.         the FPN level be set at £100 for breach of the order, where offered as a disposal.


Reason for the decision: To ensure that there are adequate controls in place to address issues caused by irresponsible dog owners, reduce harm to the environment and enable the whole community to enjoy the use of local public space.


This matter is referred to Full Council for decision and is not available for call-in.