Issue - decisions

Guildford - Godalming Greenway Lammas Land Crossing options

08/02/2023 - Guildford - Godalming Greenway Lammas Land Crossing options

The Executive RESOLVED to:

a.         Authorise SCC to proceed with detailed design and application for consents to cross the Lammas Lands using Option 3, hybrid route alignment, subject to in principle landowner permission from National Trust.

b.         Make route approval on the basis that SCC would have the primary responsibility for route maintenance.


Reason: Authorisation will enable SCC Highways to proceed with detailed design, planning and other consents. The hybrid route (Option 3) minimises disturbance to the Lammas lands whilst still supporting active travel between the centres of Farncombe and Godalming.


[Overview & Scrutiny – Services]