Issue - decisions

Award of an interim domestic gas contract

01/12/2022 - Approval to Award Interim Domestic Gas Heating Contract



1.     that the Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing approved that officers proceed to the award of the Domestic Gas Heating, Servicing and Maintenance contract; and

2.     that it be noted that the tender evaluation report is attached at Annexe 1 to the report.



On 12th October 2022 the Council formally issued a letter of termination to Central Heating Services Ltd and its parent company, Greenview Gas, under the “no blame” clause within the TPC contract.


The termination gave notice that the contract would formally end on 31 January 2023 - a period just over the contractually required 90 days’ notice.


In the intervening period officers have been intensively contract managing the incumbent contractor to ensure that statutory requirements and service to our tenants is not negatively affected.


Officers have also engaged in a procurement exercise through a framework organisation to award an interim contract to manage the domestic gas heating, servicing and maintenance works for our tenants.


A procurement exercise was conducted and due diligence carried out and an organisation - Smith & Byford – selected as the preferred bidder.


To ensure adequate mobilisation and handover time, facilitate TUPE transfer arrangements and enable the contract investment costs to be agreed the incoming contractor required a signed document in order to proceed.


To meet the mobilisation and contract ‘go live’ timescales, the contract must be sealed by 30 November 2022.


[This decision was taken under the Council’s urgency procedures and therefore not subject to call-in]