Issue - decisions

HRA Business Plan Review - New Build Housing Delivery

30/11/2022 - HRA Business Plan Review - New Build Housing Delivery

RESOLVED that the Executive recommends to Council


1.     the following be approved as set out in business cases in Annexe 1 of the report and summarised in Annexe 2:


·       Annexe 1a - Site C Ockford Ridge, Godalming – members previously approved budgets for the scheme in annual Budget Council Meeting for the delivery of 30 new homes and retrospective approval is sought for transparency of the total scheme cost (full cost not previously reported) supported by the viability assessment and net revenue impact in the business case

·       Annexe 1b - Aarons Hill, Godalming – members approve the delivery of 4 new homes and scheme costs

·       Annexe 1c - Hartsgrove, Chiddingfold – members approve the delivery of 5 new homes and scheme costs

·       Annexe 1d - Pathfield, Chiddingfold – members approve the delivery of 11 new homes and scheme costs

·       Annexe 1e - Queens Mead, Chiddingfold – members approve the delivery of 8 new homes and scheme costs

·       Annexe 1f -Turners Mead, Chiddingfold – members approve the delivery of 2 new homes and scheme costs

·       Annexe 1g - Riverside Court, Farnham – members approve the delivery of 2 new homes and the scheme cost

·       Annexe 1h – Woodside Park, Cattershall Lane – members approve the delivery of 12 new homes and scheme costs.


2.     the budgets for each scheme totalling £21,252,208m be approved as set out in Annexe 2.



To seek Full Council approval for the development projects described in this report and Annexe 1 a–h as part of the council’s new affordable homes programme financed in compliance with the HRA Business Plan Strategic Review report.


[This is a recommendation to Council and therefore not subject to call-in]