Issue - decisions

Update on the Museum of Farnham MEND Application

08/09/2022 - Update on the Museum of Farnham MEND Application



That the Executive agrees to the Council committing £100,000 of capital funding as a partnership contribution to an overall match fund commitment of £200,000.


However, if circumstances are as such that:


       I.          the Council is awarded the full grant of £638,000 requested of MEND;

     II.          the legal and financial terms and conditions of grant are agreeable to the Council;

    III.          every effort to obtain partnership funding from external sources is being explored and is ongoing;


the Executive supports a recommendation in principle to the Council to make up the match funding shortfall based on a value for money appraisal and the identification of an available budget to enable the project to proceed to the construction phase.


[Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee]