Issue - decisions

Housing Revenue Account Progress report April - October 2021

19/01/2022 - Housing Revenue Account Progress report April - November 2021

RESOLVED that virements[1] of budgets within the HRA to realign the budget to need as detailed in Annexe 1 to the report be approved.


Reason: To update the HRA budgets according to needs and ensure services and works continue to be delivered during 2021/22.  The original HRA budget for 2021/22 was agreed by Council in February 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic.  In light of changes in needs from tenants, access to suppliers, contractors etc. this report seeks to provide an update to the Landlord Services Advisory Board and realign budgets in line with the current identified needs.  


[Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee]

[1] To move funds from one budget to another