Issue - decisions

Riverside Court - HRA

03/11/2021 - Virement request for Riverside Court Fire Safety Works

RESOLVED That a £520,000 Riverside Court fire safety works budget is vired from the approved Kitchen and Bathroom replacement programme capital budget.


Reason: Officers requested Surrey Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) attend Riverside Court to review Waverley’s findings following the completion of a Type 4 Fire Risk Assessment in June 2021.  The internal review resulted in a list of priority actions to be undertaken in relation to fire safety.


A fire safety visit with SFRS followed in July 2021.  SFRS issued an Improvement Enforcement Notice on the building to ensure that immediate fire safety works were completed to approved standards.  Actions including the immediate cessation of the ‘stay put’ fire policy, the removal of a timber ceiling (considered to be a fire load) and completion of fire stopping compartmentalisation works.


This recommendation is sought to secure funding to complete the works required to meet Enforcement Notice.


[Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee]