Issue - decisions

Dunsfold Park Supplementary Planning Document Adoption

09/02/2022 - Dunsfold Park Garden Village - Supplementary Planning Document - Adoption



That the Executive recommends to the Council that the Dunsfold Park Garden Village Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) be adopted.


Reason: The SPD provides further guidance about the Council’s approach to the Dunsfold Park Garden Village, specifically the future masterplan and design of the new development to support the delivery of the new village based on garden community principles.


The SPD clearly defines what is required from new development on site and what the Council aspires to achieve on the site, building on the work undertaken to date.  It will be instrumental when negotiating with the promoter, landowner and future developers as the site is brought forward.  It is also expected that the production of this document will assist the preparation of planning submissions, manage expectations and support the earliest delivery of the village.


The Council cannot introduce new planning policy through a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), rather this SPD is intended to build on the existing adopted policies pertaining to the site, which fall within the statutory development plan (namely SS7 and SS7A of the Waverley Local Plan Part 1 ‘Strategic Policies and Sites’ 2018).


This recommendation follows a four-week public consultation that has been undertaken in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (“the Regulations”).


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]