Issue - decisions

Afghan Resettlement in Waverley

06/10/2021 - Afghan Resettlement in Waverley



1.         That the commitment to secure five to ten homes, in the Borough, to assist Afghan refugees, through the Home Office resettlement programmes over a two-year period, subject to the availability of suitable homes, be supported;

2.         That the recruitment of a designated support worker, for up to three years, be agreed and the costs expected to be met by central government funding; and

3.         That the addendum to the Housing Allocation Scheme to allocate homes directly to eligible Afghan refugees for a two-year period as set out at Annexe One be approved.


Reason: The Government has two initiatives to assist Afghan refugees the Afghan Relocation and Assistance Policy (ARAP) launched April 2021 for former locally employed staff and the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS), launched August 2021 to assist vulnerable refugees who assisted the UK efforts and stood up for values e.g. democracy, women’s rights, rule of law, freedom of speech.


The Government has committed to welcoming around 5,000 people from Afghanistan in the first year of the resettlement programme and up to 20,000 over the coming years.  Local Authorities have been requested to assist the programme by providing homes and support services for integration.


Waverley Council Members and residents have recognised the plight of and risk to Afghan refugees and have pledged to support the humanitarian initiative.