Issue - decisions

Cranleigh Leisure Centre Investment

01/12/2021 - Cranleigh Leisure Centre Investment

RESOLVED that the Executive considers the findings of this report and recommends to Council:


1.             that a capital budget of £19.95m be allocated to deliver a low carbon new-build Cranleigh Leisure Centre, to a minimum of Passivhaus standard;


2.             that officers appoint a project manager and specialist energy consultant as part of the professional technical services team, to be supported by an in-house client team and to approve an associated budget of £250,000;


3.             to approve a new-build leisure centre on Village Way car park, subject to planning, (Option 1, to the north of the existing centre) as the preferred location, as set out within Annexe 1 of the report; and


4.             to ask officers to report back to members when final costs, design, preferred contractor, and precise funding arrangements are known.


Reason: The detailed reasons for the recommendations are set out in the report.


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]