Issue - decisions

Housing Responsive Repairs and Voids Contract

13/05/2020 - Future Delivery of Housing Responsive Repairs, Void Refurbishment and Disabled Adaptation contract



1.         agree the recommended approach to procuring a conventional JCT schedule of rates contractual arrangement to deliver the Housing Maintenance Responsive Repairs, Improvements, Voids Refurbishment and Disabled Adaptation services;


2.         agree to a concurrent project to explore alternative delivery methods; and


3.         delegate authority to the Head of Housing Operations in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Strategic Director and Section 151 Officer  to:


3.1.    appoint consultants to provide advice and undertake such work relevant to achieve the procurement; and


3.2.    procure and recommend to the Executive contractors to deliver Responsive Repairs, Improvements, Void Refurbishment and Disabled Adaptation works, within agreed budgets, in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procurement Rules.


Reason: to ensure that the Council is able to meet its statutory landlord obligations in relation to repairs and health and safety.


[This matter has already been considered by Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee.]