Issue - decisions

Item A2, WA/2018/1675 - Woodside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming

26/09/2019 - Item A2, WA/2018/1675 - Woodside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming



Reserved matters application pursuant to outline consent granted under WA/2016/1418 (as amended by consents WA/2018/1336 and WA/2018/1614) for the erection of 100 dwellings (including 17 affordable units) together with the erection of a building to provide a community use (Use Class D1) at ground floor level with office (Use Class B1) above together with associated works.




RESOLVED that permission be REFUSED for reasons relating to scale, mass and bulk, contrary to policy GOD5 of the Godalming and Farncombe Neighbourhood Plan. [Exact wording to follow in the formal decision notice]