Issue - decisions

Property Matters [E3]

23/06/2021 - Property Matter

RESOLVED that the recommendations set out in the exempt report be approved.


Reason: For the reasons set out in the exempt report.




RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to full Council that the recommendation as set out in the exempt report be approved.


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]



01/04/2021 - Property Matter - Plot 5 Wheeler Street Nurseries, Witley GU5 8QP: Grant of new lease for two garages to Landspeed Homes Limited


·         approve grant of two garage leases to Landspeed Homes Ltd; and

·         Delegate authority to officers to finalise the heads of terms and complete the necessary legal documents with the prospective tenant with detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).


Reason: To simplify the freehold and leasehold arrangements between the council and Landspeed in relation to a block of garages benefiting affordable housing provided by the council and Landspeed.




08/01/2020 - Property Matter - The Burys Investment Opportunity

RESOLVED to approve the use of up to £40K from the Property Investment budget to produce a further Options Appraisal assessing the investment opportunities of key Waverley and Surrey owned sites in Godalming.


Reason: A previous outline Options Appraisal on the key sites indicated a significant return could be generated and a major improvement to customer experience can be achieved by developing the sites sympathetically. Such a return on investment would support the projected budget shortfall in the future.


[Value for Money and Customer Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee]

09/10/2019 - Property Matter - Asset transfer to Town and Parish Councils

The Executive RESOLVED:


1.         To approve the leasehold transfer of assets, as detailed in Annexe 1 to the report.


2.         To approve the tapered funding arrangement for the leasehold transfers.


3.         To approve the freehold transfer of the Gostrey Meadow, Farnham to Farnham Town Council


3a.    To delegate authority to the Head of Finance, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s), to agree and complete other transfers from the list in Annexe 1 on a freehold basis, subject to an independent valuation acceptable to the Head of Finance, and an immediate transfer of the annual net running costs.


4.         To delegate authority to officers to finalise the heads of terms and complete the necessary legal document(s) with the Town and Parish Councils for the transfer of assets, with detailed terms and conditions to be agreed by the Strategic Director, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder(s).


Reason: The proposed asset transfers support the Council’s ambition to see responsibility for delivering services devolved to Town and Parish Councils where appropriate.