Issue - decisions

Council Tax Empty Homes Discount and Empty Homes Premium

06/02/2019 - Council Tax Empty Homes Discount and Empty Homes Premium

RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council that:


       i.        the discretionary 50% 6-month Council Tax discount for “empty and substantially unfurnished properties” is reduced to a 50% 1-month discount from 1 April 2019; and,


       ii.       the maximum additional council tax premiums on long term “empty and unfurnished properties” be applied according to the following commencement dates:

·         200% extra (for properties empty for 5-10 years) (commencing in April 2020), and

·         300% extra (for properties empty for 10+ years) (commencing in April 2021)


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]


[Reason: to encourage landlords and homeowners to bring empty properties back into occupation.]