Issue - decisions

Local Plan Part II - Approval to submit


The Executive RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council that


1) The Council agrees to submit to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities the Pre-submission version of LPP2 November 2020 (Annexe 1 to this report) for examination as modified by the main modifications set out in the Addendum to the Pre-submission version of LPP2 October 2021 set out in Annexe 2.


2) The Council agrees that the schedule of minor modifications to the Pre-submission version of LPP2, set out in Annexe 5 to this report, be submitted to examination of LPP2 in addition to the minor modifications agreed on 22nd September 2021.


3) The Council requests that the Local Plan Inspector appointed to examine LPP2 considers making two further main modifications to LPP2 at the examination as set out in Annexe 6 to this report.


4) The Head of Planning and Economic Development be authorised to formally request that the Local Plan Examination Inspector recommends further main modifications to the Pre-Submission version of LPP2 November 2020 and the Addendum to the Pre-submission version of LPP2 October 2021, if the Inspector considers that they are necessary to make the plan sound and/or legally compliant.


5) The Head of Planning and Economic Development be authorised to make any other minor modifications to the Pre-Submission version of LPP2 November 2020 and the Addendum to the Pre-submission version of LPP2 October 2021 with regard to factual updates and corrections before the Plan is submitted for its examination.


Reason: To recommend to Council that the Pre-submission version of LPP2 November 2020 together with the main modifications set out in the Addendum to the Pre-submission version of LPP2 October 2021 is submitted for examination following consideration of representations on that document.  To recommend to Council that further minor modifications to LPP2 are made on adoption and to request that the Local Plan Inspector considers further main modifications to LPP2 at examination.  To also recommend to Council that the Head of Planning and Economic Development can request the Local Plan Inspector to suggest further main modifications to LPP2 through the examination and that the Head of Planning and Economic Development can authorise minor modifications to LPP2 before it is submitted for examination.


[This matter is recommended to Council for decision and is not subject to the call-in procedure.]