Issue - decisions

Development Control Performance and Improvement Plan

29/11/2017 - Planning Development Control: Performance against Government Targets and Improvement Plan

The Executive has agreed that


1.         training for officers and members in relation to supporting the Council’s compliance with Government appeals (quality) target be put in place;


2.         performance against Government indicators be included within all Area Planning Committee agendas;


3.         the Development Control Improvement Plan be adopted as the detailed service improvement plan for Development Management/Control;


4.         the timescales for achievement of workstreams in the Improvement Plan be kept under review, taking into account the availability of resources to support implementation of the Plan;


5.         regular updates on progress with the Plan’s actions be discussed and agreed with the Planning Operations Portfolio Holder and a full update be reported to Executive in six months time (April 2018); and


6.         authority be delegated to the Head of Planning Services, in consultation with the Planning Operations Portfolio Holder, to vire the additional income spending of the raised income from the expected increase in Planning fees to support implementation of the Development Management Improvement Plan and other appropriate improvements to the Service.


[This item has already been considered by the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


[Reason: to provide an update on the Council’s latest performance against the Government’s targets for speed and quality for planning applications and present the outcome of the Review of the Development Control Function that followed the Cratus Strategic Review, making recommendations for improvement of the service].