Issue - decisions

Applications for Planning Permission

19/10/2017 - APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2017/0369 - Land at Firethorn Farm and 44 - 45 Larkfield, Plough Lane, Ewhurst

Proposed development


Outline planning application for 58 new dwellings, including 23 affordable dwellings, public open space and landscaping with vehicular access via The Green, Horsham Lane; following the demolition of No's 44 & 45 Larkfield. Access only to be determined at outline (as amended by Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) received 18/04/2017 and plans and documents received 26/06/2017).




RESOLVED that permission be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1.    The proposed development, due to the number of dwellings, scale, density and urbanising effect would fail to preserve the intrinsic character of the countryside. The adverse impacts would therefore outweigh the benefits. [Exact wording to follow in the minutes]


2.    The applicant has failed to enter into an appropriate legal agreement to secure a programme of highway improvement works to mitigate the impact of traffic generated by the development. As such, the proposal would fail to limit the significant impacts of the development on the surrounding highway network. The application therefore fails to meet the transport requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012, Policies M2 and M14 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002 and Policy ST1 of the Pre-Submission Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites 2016.


3.    The applicant has failed to enter into an appropriate legal agreement to secure contributions towards education infrastructure; recycling containers; off-site leisure facilities; play space provision and maintenance, and SuDS. The proposal therefore conflicts with Policies D13 and D14 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002, Policy ICS1 of the Pre-Submission Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites         2016 and paragraph 17 of the NPPF.


4.    The applicant has failed to enter into an appropriate legal agreement to secure the provision of affordable housing within the meaning of the NPPF, appropriate to meet Waverley Borough Council’s housing need. The proposal would therefore fail to create a sustainable, inclusive and mixed community, contrary to the requirements of paragraph 50 of the NPPF and Policy AHN1 of the Pre-Submission Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites.


Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Mr Briley – Objector

Cllr Turner – Parish Council

Mr Rodway – Applicant/Agent