Issue - decisions

Performance Management

11/07/2018 - Performance Management Report Q4 2017/18 (January - March 2018) and Service Plans out-turn report 2017/18

The Executive reviewed the performance figures for Quarter 4 2017/18 and end of year outturn, and the 2017/18 Service Plans out-turn, taking account  of the observations and recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, and RESOLVED to:


1.  Approve the changes to the current indicator set for leisure centres and wellbeing.


2.  Approve the discontinuation of the current indicator set for museums.


3.  Approve the proposed target change of the ‘residual household waste per household (kg)’ [NI191] from 85kg to 90kg, and


4.  Approve the inclusion of the new housing indicators.


[This item has already been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees.]


[Reason: To review performance against key indicators and objectives.]