Issue - decisions


10/04/2017 - Performance Management Report - Quarter 3 - October - December 2016/17

The Executive has


1.          examined the performance figures for quarter three as set out in           Annexe 1; and


2.          endorses inclusion of the following new statutory planning indicators    for the new financial year 2017-2018:

-       ‘Processing of planning applications: Non-major applications - % determined within 8 weeks’ (90% target / new statutory);

-       ‘Non-major appeals allowed as a % of all non-major decisions made (cumulative’) (10% target / statutory);


3.          agreed the inclusion of the following new local planning indicators        and targets for the new financial year 2017-2018:

-       ‘Speed of processing for all other applications’ (90% target);

-       ‘All other appeals ( cumulative to date)’ ( 20% target);


4.          agreed the discontinuance of  the following planning indicators:

-       ‘Processing of planning applications: Minor applications - % determined within 8 weeks’ [NI 157b];

-       ’Processing of planning applications: Other applications - % determined within 8 weeks’ [NI 157c];

-       ’Planning appeals allowed (cumulative year to date) [P2];


5.          approved the following target changes:


a)    Amendment of the wording and criteria for the [F3] indicator to ‘percentage of invoices paid within 30 days or within supplier payment terms’ .

b)    Increasing the target for the responsive repairs overall service rating [H7]  from 87% to 93% and to amend the wording of indicators H7, H8 and H9 to clearly specify that these scores reflect tenants’ view of the service.

c)    Reduction by 10% to the P3 indicator (Major planning appeals allowed as a % of Major Application decisions made (cumulative)’).

d)    Increase of the target from 92,000 to 105,000 for the number of visits for both Haslemere [CS4] and Godalming [CS6] Leisure Centres; and


6.    thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for their observations and recommendations.


This report has already been to the Community and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committees so is not subject to the Call-in procedure


[Reason: To analyse the Council’s performance in the third quarter of 2016/17 and consider potential changes to some of the indicators.]