Issue - decisions

Applications for Planning Permission

15/02/2017 - APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2016/1625 - Land South of High Street between Alfold Road and Knowle Lane, Cranleigh

Proposed development

Application under Section 73 to vary Conditions 18, 21 and 22 of WA/2014/0912 (pre-commencement conditions) to allow alternative wording to include a phased proposal of the development. This application is accompanied by a Statement of Conformity to the Environmental Statement (as amplified by Statement of Conformity received 20/12/2016)



RESOLVED That, having regard to the Environmental information contained within the application, the accompanying Environmental Statement and responses to it, and compliance with the completed Section 106 agreement under WA/2014/0912, and subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED