Issue - decisions

Applications for Planning Permission

15/12/2016 - APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2015/2395 - Dunsfold Park, Stovolds Hill, Cranleigh



Recommendation A:

RESOLVED that, having regard to the environmental information contained in the application, the accompanying Environmental Statement (and addendum), together with proposals for mitigation, subject to the applicant entering into an appropriate legal agreement, within 6 months of the date of the committee resolution to grant planning permission, to secure the provision of/contributions towards: 30% on site affordable housing and market housing mix; education infrastructure, provision of canal basin, SuDS and Foul Water management/maintenance, on site health centre/surgery, public open space provision and maintenance (including sports pitches, pavilion, public art and open space), cycleways, public access, off site highways improvements, travel plan, bus service provision, Community Trust, Police Service, leisure, community facilities, subject to conditions 1 - 12, 14 - 17, 19 - 27, 29 – 41 as set out in the main agenda and amended conditions 13 and 28 and additional condition in relation to soils,  and subject to referral to the Secretary of State and no receipt of a direction calling-in the application, permission be GRANTED.


A recorded vote was taken, and the voting was as follows:


For (10) – Cllr Carole Cockburn, Cllr David Else, Cllr Mary Foryszewski, Cllr Christiaan Hesse, Cllr Peter Isherwood, Cllr Jim Edwards, Cllr Peter Martin, Cllr Andrew Bolton, Cllr Mike Hodge, Cllr John Fraser.


Against (8) – Cllr Maurice Byham, Cllr Kevin Deanus, Cllr John Gray, Cllr Jerry Hyman, Cllr Stephen Mulliner, Cllr Stewart Stennett, Cllr Nick Williams, Cllr Richard Seaborne.



Recommendation B:

RESOLVED that, in the event that the requirements of recommendation A are not met, that permission be REFUSED for the following reasons:


  1. Reason

The applicant has failed to enter into an appropriate legal agreement to secure a programme of highway improvement works to mitigate the impact of traffic generated by the development, bus service provision in perpetuity and associated funding and governance, Travel Plan and Travel Plan co-ordinator.  As such, the proposal would fail to effectively limit the impacts of the development on existing infrastructure.  The application therefore fails to meet the transport requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policies M2 and M14 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002.


  1. Reason

The applicant has failed to enter into an appropriate legal agreement to secure contributions towards education infrastructure, provision of canal basin, SUDS and Foul Water management/maintenance, on site health centre/surgery,  public open space provision and maintenance (including sports pitches, pavilion, public art and open space), cycleways, public access.  The proposal therefore conflicts with Policies D13 and D14 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002 and paragraphs 7 and 17 of the NPPF.


  1. Reason

The applicant has failed to enter into an appropriate legal agreement to secure the provision of affordable housing within the meaning of the NPPF or an appropriate market housing mix, appropriate to meet Waverley Borough Council’s housing need. The proposal would therefore fail to create a sustainable, inclusive and mixed community, contrary to the requirements of paragraph 50 of the NPPF.



Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Bob Lees, POW Campaign - Objector

Nik Pidgeon, Chairman Alford Parish Council & Charles Orange, Chairman Hascombe Parish Council

Mike Derbyshire – Applicant’s team