Agenda item

Item A1 - WA/2016/1234 - Baker Oates Stables, Gardeners Hill Road, Wrecclesham


Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale) following the outline approval for the erection of 43 dwellings.




Recommendation A:

That permission be GRANTED, subject to conditions 1-15 and informatives 1-13.


Recommendation B:

That the details pursuant to Condition 14 (in relation to SuDS) upon WA/2014/2080 be AGREED.




Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale) following the outline approval for the erection of 43 dwellings (as amended by plans received 06/10/2016, 24/10/2106 and 01/11/2016).


Officers update

The Committee was advised that the principle of development and the means of access had been approved and established along with all the technical matters unrelated to the reserved matters required to assess whether the site would be suitable for the development of 43 dwellings. These included issues relating to air quality, archaeology and effect on the SPA. Members were made aware that these were not for consideration under this application, but they could discuss appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the proposed development, including site plans and an indicative layout and street scene, and the determining issues.


The Committee noted from the update sheet that following discussions with the applicants, a number of amended conditions were proposed and these were detailed in the update.


Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Richard Walker – Objector

Cllr Kika Mirylees – Farnham Town Council

Viv Hall - Applicant/Agent


Committee deliberations


The Committee considered the officers report and presentation, the representations from the Objectors and the information in support by the agent/applicant and discussed the application. Members reiterated their concerns for this site which they had refused but which had been granted on appeal. They felt that the design was not in keeping with the character of the area and that, although not under consideration for application, the road was unsafe. It was suggested though, that the applicants should consider a footpath leading through the site to mitigate this.


The Committee was disappointed that the applicants, knowing Members concerns about the site, had not carried out any consultation with them or local residents prior to submitting the application. If they had, concerns about the shape size and form of the development could have been discussed and addressed. It was recognised that the site was difficult because of lying on a hill, however, the design of the dwellings was felt to be poor, too urban and Members did not like 15 dwellings all in a line. They also didn’t like the different road surfaces around the development.


Following further discussion, the Committee then moved to the vote on the revised Recommendation A (as noted in the update sheet) and it was unanimously voted down by Members. Therefore, a motion to refuse the application was put forward and the vote was 19 for and 1 abstention.




RESOLVED that the application be REFUSED for the follow reasons:


1.    The proposal, as a result of its linear nature and lack of architectural variety would be of poor design and layout that would be out of character with the surrounding area and would fail to take the opportunities available for improving character and quality of the area, contrary to Policies D1 and D4 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002, paragraphs 17, 58, 64 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012, the Farnham Design Statement 2010, Policies TD1 of the Pre-Submission Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites 2016 and FNP1 of the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan 2016; and


2.    In the absence of an acceptable layout, insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate that the design of the sustainable urban drainage system (SuDS) could be implemented in connection with the proposed development and that the proposal would not result in unacceptable increase in surface water runoff that could increase flood risk elsewhere contrary to Policy D1 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002, paragraphs 17 and 103 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policies CC1 and CC4 of the Pre-Submission Local Plan Part 1: Strategic Policies and Sites 2016.




Supporting documents: