Agenda item

Item B1 - WA/2016/1766 - Land To The North Of Nugent Close, Dunsfold


Erection of 42 dwellings (including 17 affordable) together with associated development, including the construction of a new access road, parking, associated landscaping, public open space, and the provision of pedestrian/cycle links connecting with Nugent Close (as amended and amplified by plan and Transport Statement Addendum received 27/10/2016)  (revision of WA/2016/0777) at  Land to The North Of Nugent Close,  Dunsfold




Recommendation A:


That, subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure appropriate contributions in respect of early years education and primary education; recycling containers; Playground refurbishment at King George V playing field; LEAP and LAP on site; leisure contribution; environmental enhancements; provision of 40% affordable housing; off-site highways works; Woodland improvement; Parish Council 10 year maintenance plan; the setting up of a Management Company for open space, play space, landscaping, footpath and cycle links, and SuDS; conditions 1 to 44 and informatives 1 to 23, permission be GRANTED.



Recommendation B:


That, in the event that a Section 106 Agreement is not completed within 6 months of the date of the resolution to grant planning permission, then permission be REFUSED.





Erection of 42 dwellings (including 17 affordable) together with associated development, including the construction of a new access road, parking, associated landscaping, public open space, and the provision of pedestrian/cycle links connecting with Nugent Close (as amended and amplified by plan and Transport Statement Addendum received 27/10/2016)  (revision of WA/2016/0777)


Officers update


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the proposed development, including site plans and an indicative

The Committee noted from the update sheet that additional infrastructure contributions had been agreed for woodland management work to Dunsfold Village woodland adjacent to the site and 10years management for the Dunsfold Village Woodland adjacent to the development site as with new houses an access road the Parish Council would have to do more than it has previously been required to do. At the meeting it was noted that the figure for VAT had been incorrect and this should say £12,000 (not £11,000).


The Committee was also informed that the recommended conditions 43 and 44 in relation to fencing of the cycle/pedestrian links and the provision of these, should be excluded as the requirements of these would be covered within the Section 106 Agreement. 


Committee deliberations


The Committee considered the officers report and presentation, and discussed the application.


The Committee noted that the site was located within the Countryside beyond the Green Belt, outside of the defined settlement area, therefore, the development would not be considered acceptable when considered in line with the adopted Local Plan. However, the site had been identified as a green site within the Council’s Land Availability Assessment and the draft Local Plan – Part 1, which set out a requirement for Dunsfold to deliver 80 dwellings. Officers also felt that the proposal would be a natural extension to the edge of the village and not in isolation.


The Committee raised concern about the loss of trees but Members felt that the development was of high quality and there was a good mix of houses. Members welcomed the positive consultation the developers had with the community and ward members and the S106 agreement and infrastructure contributions would really benefit the centre of the village. There was also generous parking on the site and it was well laid out.


The Committee was slightly concerned about the affordable housing being in one area and not spaced out, and Members also felt that there should be a condition preventing permitted development rights into the roof. They also requested that the footpath route be moved which offices agreed would be acceptable.  


The Committee then moved to the vote on the revised Recommendation A, including the new condition and deletion of conditions 42 and 43 and the vote was unanimous. In relation to Recommendation B, the vote again was unanimous. Therefore, the recommendations were APPROVED.




Decision A

RESOLVED that subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure appropriate contributions in respect of early years education and primary education; recycling containers; Playground refurbishment at King George V playing field; LEAP and LAP on site; leisure contribution; environmental enhancements; provision of 40% affordable housing; off-site highways works; Woodland improvement; Parish Council 10 year maintenance plan; the setting up of a Management Company for open space, play space, landscaping, footpath and cycle links, and SuDS; conditions 1 to 42 and informatives 1 to 23, permission be  APPROVED


Decision B:

RESOLVED that in the event that a Section 106 Agreement is not completed within 6 months of the date of the resolution to grant planning permission, then permission be REFUSED.


Following consideration of this item, Councillor Mary Foryszewski gave her apologies as she had to attend an important Parish Council meeting of which she was chairman.



Supporting documents: