Agenda item


Proposed development

Erection of 50 dwellings together with associated works (details pursuant to WA/2014/1330) (as amplified by email recevied 12/05/2016, as amended by plans received 22/06/2016 and amended by drainage statement received 31/08/2016 and flood compensation statemeent received 22/08/2016) at  Land Between Birch Road And Pond Farm, Furze Lane,  Farncombe






That, subject to consideration of the views of the County Highway Authority, and conditions, the following matters; appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (“the reserved matters”) be APPROVED subject to conditions 1 to 26 and informatives 1 to 12 as set out on pages 46 to 58 of the Report.




That the details pursuant to Condition 12 (in relation to flood storage compensation) upon WA/2014/1330 be AGREED



Proposed development

Erection of 50 dwellings together with associated works (details pursuant to WA/2014/1330) (as amplified by email recevied 12/05/2016, as amended by plans received 22/06/2016 and amended by drainage statement received 18/10/2016 and flood compensation statemeent received 22/08/2016)


Officers Update

The Committee was reminded that the application had been deferred at the Joint Planning Committee on 25th May 2016 following concerns/clarifications raised on the following matters:

-       SuDS scheme details and management.

-       Ownership of adjacent watercourse.

-       Clearance of adjacent watercourse.

-       Contamination on the site.

-       Mixture and position of proposed dwellings: incorporation of 1-bed market dwellings and re-position of Plots 1, 2 and 3 to ensure no driveways directly access onto Furze Lane.


Since that meeting, officers had been in discussions with the applicants and revised plans and additional information had been received which sought to address some of those matters raised by Members.


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a

summary of the proposed development, including site plans and an indicative layout and street scene, and the determining issues. The Committee was advised that the consultation period commenced in August for the draft Local Plan. In accordance with paragraph 216 of the NPPF, weight could be given to the draft Plan, but the degree to which it could be determined by the stage the Plan had reached and the extent to which there were any unresolved objections to it. It was considered that significant weight could be given to the Pre-submission Plan following its publication on Friday 19 August, given its history of preparation, the iterations of it and the extent of consultation and consideration on it to date.


The Committee noted from the update sheet additional responses from consultees. This included the County Highway Authority who raised no objection and the Lead Local Flood Authority who raised no objection to the  revised drainage statement (Revision C) and associated layout and advised that this met the national SuDS standards. It reduces the amount of runoff from the site compared to version B and reduced risk of inundation to the flood storage areas.


The Committee was advised that in light of concerns raised from third parties the drainage scheme had been amended by moving a water storage tank further away from the water course to be within the garden areas of two proposed dwellings.





Public speaking

In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Juan Alvarez - Objector

Richard Mendez - Applicant/Agent


Committee Deliberations


The Committee considered the application and noted that the principle of development for 50 new dwellings and access had already been approved by the outline permission under WA/2014/1330. The site was an allocated site for housing development in the current adopted Local Plan.  The current application was in connection with the reserved matters; scale, appearance, landscaping and layout, including the provision of 40% affordable housing.


Some Members expressed continuing concern regarding flooding on the site and if this would be appropriately mitigated by the scheme outlined by the applicant. Officers advised that the detailed SuDS drainage scheme had been reviewed by the Lead Local Flood Authority whom confirmed it was acceptable.


There was also some concern expressed regarding landscaping on the site. Officers confirmed that there was a condition covering this and impact it was considered that, due to the relatively contained nature of the site, the development would not have a significant effect on the landscape and visual amenities. Furthermore, the package of landscaping, and in particular the provision of the large open space and additional tree planting, would provide opportunities to improve the landscape value of the site.


The Committee then moved to the vote on the revised Recommendation A (as noted in the update sheet) and there were 14 in favour and 1 against with 1 abstention. In relation to Recommendation B, there were 16 in favour. Therefore, the recommendations were APPROVED as noted in the update sheet.




Recommendation A:

RESOLVED that subject to consideration of the views of the County Highway Authority, and conditions 1-26 and informatives 1-12, the following matters; appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (“the reserved matters”) be AGREED.




Recommendation B:

RESOLVED that, the details pursuant to Condition 12 (in relation to flood storage compensation) upon WA/2014/1330 be AGREED.



Supporting documents: