Agenda item

APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2016/0339 - Land At North End Of Tongham Road, Runfold


Hybrid application: Part Outline application for the erection of up to 254 dwellings with access from The Street Tongham and emergency access from Grange Road, provision of open space, including children's play areas, sustainable urban drainage system and associated works. Access only to be determined at Outline; Full application for change of use from agricultural land to use as a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and associated works on land to the east of Tongham Road to serve the proposed development and surrounding area, including access, pathways and associated landscaping (this application is a cross boundary application; please also see Guildford Borough Council application 16/P/00222, the majority of the site falls within Guildford Borough Council) at  Land At North End Of Tongham Road,  Runfold (as amended by updated SANG LEMP (landscape ecological management plan) and letter of intent received 25/7/2016; SANG outline LEMP costs, SANG outline capital costs schedule, Revised SANGS plan (rev K) received 6/6/2016, Revised master plan (1613_10e) received 12/4/2016 and as amplified by Ecology letter received 2/8/2016, SANG delivery email received 28/7, Archaeological assessment received 28/7/2016, Highways modelling information received 11/3/2016; Travel plan, SANG Letter from Natural England, and response to SCC Highways comments received 11/3/2016 and Heritage Assessment received 9/3/2016, and additional ecology information received 02/08/2016 and 04/08/2016)


Recommendation A

That, subject to the completion of an appropriate legal agreement(s) by 15/11/2016 in respect of the provision and management of the SANG, management of the SANG car park and access to the SANG, off site highways works contributions, planning infrastructure contributions towards education infrastructure, as well as any other contributions required by Guildford Borough Council, subject to Guilford Borough Council resolving to approve the application and subject to the conditions 1-30 and informatives 1-8 , that  permission be GRANTED.


Recommendation B

That, in the event that the requirements of recommendation A are not met, that permission be REFUSED.



Proposed development

Hybrid application: Part Outline application for the erection of up to 254 dwellings with access from The Street Tongham and emergency access from Grange Road, provision of open space, including children's play areas, sustainable urban drainage system and associated works. Access only to be determined at Outline; Full application for change of use from agricultural land to use as a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and associated works on land to the east of Tongham Road to serve the proposed development and surrounding area, including access, pathways and associated landscaping (this application is a cross boundary application; please also see Guildford Borough Council application 16/P/00222, the majority of the site falls within Guildford Borough Council) at  Land At North End Of Tongham Road,  Runfold (as amended by updated SANG LEMP (landscape ecological management plan) and letter of intent received 25/7/2016; SANG outline LEMP costs, SANG outline capital costs schedule, Revised SANGS plan (rev K) received 6/6/2016, Revised master plan (1613_10e) received 12/4/2016 and as amplified by Ecology letter received 2/8/2016, SANG delivery email received 28/7, Archaeological assessment received 28/7/2016, Highways modelling information received 11/3/2016; Travel plan, SANG Letter from Natural England, and response to SCC Highways comments received 11/3/2016 and Heritage Assessment received 9/3/2016, and additional ecology information received 02/08/2016 and 04/08/2016)


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the proposed development, including site plans and an indicative layout and street scene, and the determining issues. There were no substantial updates except a revised recommendation to give the Head of Planning authority to finalise relevant conditions in consultation with Guildford Borough Council.


Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


None - Objector

Jane Terry - Applicant/Agent




The Committee carefully considered the information from Officers and representations received and noted in the agenda report. There was concern expressed regarding the narrow road to the proposed site, the small access road into the development site, the additional pressure that would be placed on the roads and school places in Farnham and the walking route to the SANG which was felt to be unsafe walking across one main road.


Officers advised that Guildford had no object to the agenda report. They advised members that there had been no objection to the footpath to the site from the rights of Way Officer and that the proposed site offered more SANG than required so Waverley may have an opportunity to share some of it in the future. It was agreed that this was a unique application because a majority of the application, and the development site, was based in the Guildford boundary, however, they still needed to consider the area proposed for SANG which was within the Waverley boundary.


The Committee was advised that the proposed Tongham Road SANG access woud be sufficient to accommodate the proposed vehicular movements, and the proposed car parking would be sufficient to accord with Natural Englands guidance. There was concern expressed by Members about the safety, noise and disturbance of the car park and were advised that these could be appropriately mitigated through appropriate management of the car park and access and this could also be secured by a legal agreement in place.


Officers advised the Committee that the residential development, subject to the completion of an appropriate legal agreement towards planning infrastructure projects, would not adversely impact on existing infrastructure within Waverley. However, Members felt that could be an impact on roads and schools as they would be directed into Farnham rather than Guildford.


The Committee wanted more feedback from Guildford but it was noted that it would be difficult to wait as they would be making their decision in a few weeks. Members also wanted more information in relation to farm which was on the site at the moment, the ownership, the road and footpath safety and also questioned whether it would be used as was quite a distance from the proposed development site. 


A proposal was put to the Committee before the officers recommendation, that the application be deferred. This


RESOLVED to DEFER the application for more information regarding the ownership of the land, the pedestrian access and safety to the site, vehicular access and safey into the development site and car parking.


Supporting documents: