Agenda item

Meeting of 12 July 2016


It was moved by the Chairman of the Committee, and duly seconded that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 12 July 2016 be approved and adopted.


i.          Waverley Borough Local Plan Part I: Strategic Policies and Sites (Minute No. 31)


            It was proposed by the Leader of the Council and seconded by Cllr Mike Band that the wording of Recommendation 16 be amended, with the addition of the text identified in bold and italic type, to now read:-


16.       The Local Plan Part I, together with the Key Findings of the Draft Sustainability Appraisal (Annexe 3), the Local Plan Draft Infrastructure Delivery Schedule (Annexe 4), the Schedule of Proposed Amendments and the observations from the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Annexe 5), be approved for publication and to confirm that all other evidence bases and documents referred to will be published at the same time as the plan.


            The amendment was CARRIED.


            When the Council moved to the recommendations, as amended, it was moved in accordance with Procedure Rule 17.4 that a recorded vote be taken on this item.  The voting was taken by roll-call as follows:-


            For (37)


            Cllrs Brian Adams, Mike Band, Andrew Bolton, Maurice Byham, Carole Cockburn, David Else, Jenny Else, Mary Foryszewski, John Fraser, Pat Frost, Michael Goodridge, Tony Gordon-Smith, John Gray, Val Henry, Christiaan Hesse, Stephen Hill, Mike Hodge, David Hunter, Simon Inchbald, Peter Isherwood, Anna James, Carole King, Martin Lear, Denis Leigh, Andy MacLeod, Tom Martin, Stephen Mulliner, Nabeel Nasir, Libby Piper, Julia Potts, David Round, Jeanette Stennett, Stewart Stennett, Chris Storey, Bob Upton, Liz Wheatley and Nick Williams.


            Against (none)


            Abstentions (3)


            Cllrs Robert Knowles, Stefan Reynolds and Richard Seaborne.


            The recommendations were agreed.


(ii)        Memorial Hall Redevelopment (Minute No.33)


            Cllrs John Fraser and Andy MacLeod requested that their votes against the recommendations be recorded.      

(iii)       Report of the Constitution SIG (Minute No. 34)


            Cllr John Fraser requested that his vote against Recommendation 26 be recorded.


[NB Cllr Martin Lear left the meeting prior to the commencement of consideration of Minute No. 37 due to his interest in the matter as Chairman of the Recreation Ground Committee]


RESOLVED  that the Minutes of the Executive held on 12 July 2016 be approved and the recommendations contained therein adopted, as amended.


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