Agenda item

A1 - APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2016/0101 - Woodside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming


Outline application for the erection of 107 dwellings, including 27 affordable together with the erection of a building of 930 sq. m. to provide a community use (Class D1) at ground floor level with office use (Class B1) above; together with associated amenity/play space, landscaping and parking following demolition of existing buildings. Access only to be determined at outline. As amended by plans and additional information received on 10/02/2016 and 18/03/2016



RECOMMENDATION A                           That subject to consideration of the views of Surrey Wildlife Trust, the completion of a S106 legal agreement to secure 25% affordable housing, infrastructure contributions towards off site highway improvements, primary education, play spaces and open space, provision of and public access to rear open space, management and maintenance of on-site SuDS and public open and play space within 3 months of the date of resolution to grant permission and conditions, permission be GRANTED.


RECOMMENDATION B                           That, if requirements on Recommendation A are not met, permission be REFUSED.



Proposed development

Outline application for the erection of 107 dwellings, including 27 affordable, together with the erection of a building of 930 sq. m. to provide a community use (Class D1) at ground floor level with office use (Class B1) above; together with associated amenity/play space, landscaping and parking following demolition of existing buildings. Access only to be determined at outline. As amended by plans and additional information received on 10/02/2016 and 18/03/2016.


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the proposed development, including site plans and an indicative layout and street scene, and the determining issues.


Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Edward Fenner - Objector

Robert Trendle - Applicant




Councillor Andrew Bolton addressed the Committee, in his capacity as Ward Member and Executive Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, and drew attention to the loss of employment land and the risk of Godalming becoming a dormitory town; the high housing density of the proposed development; the significant under provision of parking spaces on site compared to the Council’s Parking Guidelines; and the impact on the wooded Godalming hillside and Green Belt.


The Committee generally echoed the concerns voiced by Councillor Bolton: there was particular emphasis on the lack of parking, and the impact this would have on local streets that were already used for on-street parking; and the density of housing, including the 3½-storey blocks fronting Catteshall Lane.


The Committee agreed in principle that the site was suitable for a mixed use redevelopment, but was concerned that there was no flexibility in the planning application submitted for 107 dwellings for the applicant to respond to concerns about the number of dwellings and density. Officers advised that the proposed development, and the balance between market housing, affordable housing, and commercial premises, reflected the financial viability of the site. It was a matter of judgement for the Committee to decide whether this was acceptable in planning terms.


With no further comments, the Chairman moved the revised recommendation as set out on the Update Sheet, that outline planning permission be granted subject to conditions and the completion of legal agreements to secure affordable housing, infrastructure contributions, and off-site highway improvements.


The recommendation to grant outline planning permission failed, with 1 Member voting for, 17 Members voting against, and 1 Member abstaining.


Councillor Stephen Mulliner then proposed an alternative recommendation, to refuse outline planning permission, due to the proposed development being too dense and cramped, there being insufficient parking provision on site, failure to demonstrate ‘very special circumstances’ in relation to development on the Green Belt, and failure to complete the relevant legal agreements.


Councillor David Else seconded the alternative recommendation, which was passed with 18 Members voting for, and 1 Member abstaining.




RESOLVED to REFUSE permission for the following reasons:


1.    The proposal has failed to demonstrate that the number of dwellings and employment floor space could be adequately accommodated on-site without causing material harm to the visual and residential amenities of future residents. This would be due to the cramped layout, loss of trees,  and insufficient car parking. The proposal therefore fails to comply with Policies D1, D4, M14 and C7 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002, paragraph 17 and Section 7 of the NPPF, and the Waverley Borough Council’s Parking Guidelines (2013).


2.    The proposal conflicts with national and local planning policies regarding Green Belts set out in Policy C1 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002 and Section 9 of the NPPF as the form of development proposed constitutes inappropriate development and development which adversely affects the openness of the Green Belt. The proposed change of use of the south-eastern section of the site would constitute inappropriate development within the Green Belt. No ‘versy special circumstances’ exist that would outweigh the harm by way of its inappropriateness. The proposal would cause material harm to the openness of the Green Belt.


3.    The applicant has failed to enter into an appropriate legal agreement to secure a programme of highway improvement works to mitigate the impact of traffic generated by the development. As such the proposal would fail to effectively limit the impacts of the development on existing infrastructure. The application therefore fails to meet the transport requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policies M2 and M14 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002.


4.    The applicant has failed to enter into an appropriate legal agreement to secure contributions towards recycling bins, education; provision of and the ongoing management and maintenance of SuDS, play space and public open spaces. The proposal therefore conflicts with Policies D13 and D14 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002 and paragraphs 7 and 17 of the NPPF.


5.    The applicant has failed to enter into an appropriate legal agreement to secure the provision of affordable housing within the meaning of the NPPF, appropriate to meet Waverley Borough Council’s housing need. The proposal would therefore fail to create a sustainable, inclusive and mixed community, contrary to the requirements of paragraph 50 of the NPPF.

Supporting documents: