Agenda item

APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2016/0065 - Land between Birth Road and Pond Farm, Furze Lane, Farncombe


Erection of 50 dwellings together with associated works




That, subject to consideration of the views of the Environment Agency in respect of Condition 12 of the outline planning permission (WA/2014/1330), the following matters; appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (“the reserved matters”) permission be granted subject to conditions 1-19 and informatives 1-12 in the agenda report.


Proposed development

Erection of 50 dwellings together with associated works


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a

summary of the planning context for making a decision on the application, and the proposed development including site plans and the layout. Officers outlined the determining issues and those matters of a more subjective nature. 


The Committee was advised of the background to the application and that outline planning permission had been agreed and since then the Council’s Local Plan remained the same and the NPPF 2012 remained in force. It was considered that there had not been a material change in planning policy circumstances since the outline permission. Members noted that planning conditions imposed on the outline planning permission would remain in force on any reserved matters approval.


The Committee was advised that the full details of the SuDS scheme remained to be determined via conditions discharge under the outline planning permission. Members noted that the Council’s Environmental Health (Contamination) Officer was aware of the report findings on contamination as they had been consulted on the discharge of conditions details relating to the outline permission. However, these details had not been approved and were still subject of assessment by officers.


Officers drew attention to the Update report and advised Members that there had been two further letters of representation but these did bring any new issues which were not already addressed in the Committee report and would not alter officer recommendation in respect of the current reserved matters application.


Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Mr Alvarez - Objector

Richard Mendez - Supporter




The Committee discussed the application and were particularly concerned about not having information about the SuDs Scheme. There was also concern expressed about officers not having yet assessed the contamination report findings. Members were advised that the details of SuDS and contamination measures were not the subject of the current Reserved Matters application for consideration. However, Members were not satisfied that they should approve an application without having this information to make a decision.


The Committee considered the mixture and positioning of houses. Members raised particular concern regarding the front facing houses at the access into the site. And, not withstanding the advice from the statutory bodies there was concern expressed about flood risk and drainage. Officers advised that the application was a reserved matters application where  landscaping, scale, design and appearance were for determination and that conditions had been recommended on the outline permission in this respect. However, Members still felt concern about this issue.


With no further comments from Members, a motion was received and seconded to defer the application. This was put to Members with 9 voting in favour and 6 voting against. There were no abstentions.




RESOLVED to DEFER consideration of the application for more information on contamination issues, the mixture and positioning of the houses, SUDS management and management of the clearance of the water course.



Supporting documents: