Agenda item

Car Parking Review 2015 - Response to Consultation and Review of Tariff Structures

The purpose of the report is to present the responses to the formal consultation on a reduction in the charging hours and recommend the making of the order to bring that proposal into effect. The report also presents proposed revisions to tariff structures as requested by the Executive at its meeting on 6 October 2015 and recommends the publication of a Notice of Variation to implement those changes.




The Executive is recommended to:


1.            authorise the making of the Waverley Borough Council (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2015 to implement the reduction in charging hours (reduced from 08.00-19.00 to 08.00-18.30); and


2.            approve the proposed revised tariff structures set out in Annexes 2 and 3 and the publication of a Notice of Variation to implement the changes to the tariff structure with effect from 11 January 2016.



The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that


1.            the making of the Waverley Borough Council (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2015 be authorised to implement the reduction in charging hours (reduced from 08.00-19.00 to 08.00-18.30); and


2.            the proposed revised tariff structures set out in Annexes 2 and 3 and the publication of a Notice of Variation to implement the changes to the tariff structure with effect from 11 January 2016 be approved.


[This item is recommended to the Council for approval and is not subject to the call-in procedure]


[Reason: to consider the responses to the consultation on a reduction in charging hours and approve revised tariff structures].



89.1    At its meeting on 6 October 2015, the Executive considered a report on the Review of Car Parking. That report made a number of recommendations which were considered by the Executive and the Executive resolved to:

a.    Authorise officers to commence the formal consultation process on the proposal to provide an additional 30 minutes free parking each day in all of Waverley's car parks by reducing the charging hours to 8am to 6.30pm in line with the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

b.       Agree that officers report back to the Executive in December on the results of that consultation.

c.       To note the contents of the review and agreed for a report back to the Executive in December on the proposed recommendations arising out of the review.

d.    Endorse the decision of the Executive Director to continue to offer free Thursday afternoon parking from 3pm to the end of the charging period across all car parks throughout December 2015.


89.2    The proposed reduction in charging hours was advertised in the Surrey Advertiser and Farnham and Haslemere Heralds on 16 October and the consultation period ended on 13 November 2015. Two responses were received by the closing date, one from the Farnham Chamber of Commerce and the other on behalf of Fabulous Farnham who also represent retailers and small businesses in Farnham.


89.3    Both respondents indicated that they would prefer the charging period to reduce from 7.00pm to 6.00pm rather than 6.30pm. This would result in a further reduction in income of £40,000 and cannot be recommended as a financially sustainable way forward. Other comments in the responses did not relate to the formal consultation and will be followed up separately by officers.


89.4    A further response was received after the closing date from Haslemere Town Council which advised that the Haslemere Town Council's Planning and Highways meeting on 12 November had considered the proposed amendment and had no objection and fully supported the proposal. 


89.5    The Review of Car Parking 2015 made two recommendations in respect of tariff structures which officers were requested to report back on:


Recommendation 2: An RPI-linked tariff uplift should be applied in all Waverley car parks.

Recommendation 3: The daily charge at the long stay premium (with short stay option) and long stay (with short stay option) car parks should be increased from £4.00 to £5.00, and the charge at Meadrow should rise from £1.50 to £2.00 per day. One hour and two hour short stay options be introduced in the long stay premium (with short stay option) and long stay (with short stay option) car parks.


89.6    Tariff structures have been compared with those of other nearby boroughs and districts and the results are set out in Annexe 3. In view of these comparisons, recognising the continued investment in Waverley car parks and recognising the fact that the tariff structure in Waverley has remained largely at the same level since at least February 2012 (and in many cases since 2008), a tariff increase to reflect inflation (and allowing for rounding up to the nearest 10p) is recommended.


89.7    The proposed tariff structure to implement the recommendations made to the Executive on 6 October is set out in Annexe 4 (with increases rounded up to the nearest 10p).  Season Ticket charges have similarly remained largely unchanged since 2012 and are heavily discounted compared to hourly and daily charges. It is therefore considered appropriate to apply an inflation increase to these also (rounded up to the nearest £1).  The proposed tariff structure for season tickets is set out in Annexe 5.


89.8    The Review of Car Parking 2015 also made the following recommendations:


Managing limited capacity in shoppers car parks


Recommendation 1: - Existing parking stock in Waverley to be protected as a minimum, and the Council should continue to actively seek ways to increase capacity where the need is greatest.


89.9    Officers are keeping the occupancy rates and demand for parking in shoppers carparks under review and will seek to identify opportunities to increase capacity wherever possible.


Free car parks


Recommendation 5: Carry out a usage and condition survey of Waverley’s free car parks and report back with findings and recommendations in February 2016.


89.10  This review has begun and will continue over the next three months and the report will be presented in February 2016 as requested.


            Free / Concessionary Parking


Recommendation 6: - To continue with the provision of free Thursday afternoon parking from 3pm to the end of the charging period across all Waverley car parks throughout December. 


89.11  Members were advised that this recommendation had been implemented via an Executive Director’s Action, reported to the Executive on 6 October 2015. Posters will be displayed in all car parks to promote the concession from the beginning of December. 


            Maintenance of car parks


            Recommendation 7: - Continue to invest in the Council’s car parking sites in accordance with ongoing condition surveys, to ensure sites remain attractive and safe, and fit for users and local businesses.


89.12  The Capital programme includes funding for a 10 year rolling programme of repair and maintenance of car parks totalling £2.5m.


Disabled Parking Provision


            Recommendation 8: Carry out a review of the current level of provision of dedicated disabled (Blue Badge) parking spaces in line with current best practice and report back with findings and recommendations in December 2015.


89.13  The review has been completed and a report is being prepared which will be presented as part of the budget process in the New Year.


89.14  The Executive now


            RECOMMENDS that


44.          the making of the Waverley Borough Council (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2015 be authorised to implement the reduction in charging hours (reduced from 08.00-19.00 to 08.00-18.30); and


45.          the proposed revised tariff structures set out in Annexes 4 and 5 and the publication of a Notice of Variation to implement the changes to the tariff structure with effect from 11 January 2016 be approved.


[Reason: to consider the responses to the consultation on a reduction in charging hours and approve revised tariff structures].


Supporting documents: