Agenda item

HRA Asset Management Strategy 2015-2020

Waverley’s HRA Asset Management Strategy sets out the Council’s approach to managing its housing related assets, held in the Housing Revenue Account. The draft HRA Asset Management Strategy for the period 2015-2020 is attached for endorsement, having been reviewed by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 27 July 2015.




It is recommended to the Council that the draft HRA Asset Management Strategy for 2015-2020 be agreed and adopted.



The Executive has agreed to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL that the draft HRA Asset Management Strategy for 2015-2020 be agreed and adopted.


[This item is recommended to the Council and is not subject to the call-in procedure].


[Reason: to agree the Strategy setting out the Council’s approach to managing its housing related assets]


57.1    Waverley’s HRA Asset Management Strategy, attached as Annexe 5, sets out the Council’s approach to managing its housing related assets, held in the Housing Revenue Account. Its aim is to ensure that the housing stock meets the needs of the Borough, whilst also ensuring best use of available resources as well as achieving value for money.


57.2    The current strategy was written six years ago. It therefore now needs to be updated to ensure it reflects:


·          changing needs and demands

·          changes in legislation and regulation

·          changes in funding regimes

·          changes in corporate objectives

·          changes in aspirations

57.3    The Council holds significant assets in its Housing Revenue Account.  It is good practice to have a clear Asset Management Strategy.  Over the years the Council has managed its HRA assets effectively and in a planned manner.  The HRA Asset Management Strategy brings together in one document the range of issues and factors that will influence how the Council will take decisions in relation to its HRA assets over the coming years.


57.4    The HRA Asset Management Strategy


·         Outlines the Council’s position in the management of its housing assets, and how this aligns to the core business objectives in the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan.

·         Identifies the stock, its condition, use and required reinvestment over the next 30 years.

·         Records the risks and issues relating to the assets and how they may be eliminated, reduced and/or managed.

·         Identifies needs, future trends and changes that will influence how we manage our assets.

·         Outlines how we will approach Asset Management in the Housing Revenue Account.

·         Establishes methods for monitoring and evaluating the delivery of the aims of this Strategy.

·         Explains the methods through which we will procure and deliver programmes of work to our assets.


57.5    The HRA Asset Management Strategy includes the following Strategic 5 year Action Plan:-


·          Carry out stock condition survey of all pre-war properties

·          Develop strategy for tackling dampness across the Council’s stock, including developing a policy/procedure for dealing with damp related issues reported by tenant.

·          Continue programme of kitchen and bathroom upgrades

·          Undertake review of 7 year ‘break-clause’ in Maintenance Contract with Mears

·          Continue strategic regeneration of Ockford Ridge and identify other suitable areas for improvement.

·          Monitor and log all noise related complaints

·          Review effectiveness of estate inspections and walkabouts


57.6    The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted that the Strategy had been prepared before the election, recent budget and imminent Housing Bill presenting such challenges as the extended Right to Buy and the requirement for Councils to sell their highest value properties on becoming void.  However it was recognised that the document was sufficiently robust to understand and deal with the risks at such time as changes in Government policy come into force.  The Director of Finance and Resources reassured the Committee that there were still some doubts about whether the new legislative measures would apply to Waverley and explained that if they did, a range of options would need to be brought before members to balance the business plan going forward.


57.7    With regard to Voids and Annexe 6, it was suggested that the document would benefit from setting out how successful the Project 20 objectives had been and whilst it was useful to know why voids had occurred, the strategy should also set out the current situation.  


57.8    It was agreed that in the section of the Strategy relating to health and safety, slips, trips and falls should be included in the list of risks to be managed as one of the main causes of accidents in the home.  This was considered to be especially important with the profile of the ageing population in Waverley increasing by 29% by 2020.  The Chairman suggested that both Corporate and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committees had a role to play in the increasing need for access to a wide range of services by the ageing population and the Council’s role in working in partnership with other agencies to meet these needs.  It was agreed that a joint meeting of the Committees should be organised to talk about health and wellbeing implications in the borough.


57.9    As a matter of principle, the Committee wished to reinforce to officers and the Executive the importance of ward councillors being involved in all issues affecting their wards and this included matters such as development proposals for garage sites.  Having asked about estate walkabouts talking place, it was confirmed that these were continuing and being led in the short term by the Tenants’ Panel working with local councillors.  It was noted that it would be helpful for reports back to be given of any findings.  The Committee endorsed the draft Strategy for consideration by the Executive.


57.10  The Executive accordingly




23.       the draft HRA Asset Management Strategy for 2015-2020 be agreed and adopted.


[Reason: to agree the Strategy setting out the Council’s approach to managing its housing related assets]

Supporting documents: