Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Board Update

Sam Hutchison and Katie Webb to provide an update presentation.


Sam Hutchison, Assistant Director of Community, attended with Katie Webb and Jane Todd to update the Committee on the Guildford and Waverley Health and Wellbeing Partnership  Board (slides attached for information). She advised that the presentation would be honest and open about the failings in this provision. 


Members were advised that the board consisted of a number of strategic partners as it was accepted that one unit cannot fix this issue alone, however, it should be noted that having multiple units has its own issues as each unit has its own agenda. It was established that partners had a desire for a more strategic and operational alliance but it was acknowledged that each have their own intentions.


Another challenge for the Board is that the area is covered by two integrated partnerships (Surrey Heartlands and Frimley) who both work in differing ways and have a very differing focus.


The four neighbourhood groups that were set up across Guildford and Waverley were outlined and it was explained that the focus was going to be to work alongside local people and communities.


Officers outlined the challenges that would need to be addressed which included language barriers, being people centres rather than clinical, the differing systems within the health services, lack of resources available and funding.


The purpose of the Partnership was outlined alongside the proposed structure, the key partners and the focus of the partnership. 


Members were advised of the current self-harm and loneliness health data which showed that Guildford and Waverley had the highest statistics in the country. This showed it was not just a issue for the disadvantaged but the wealthy too.


Since 1st April 2024 Waverley have established three new mental health support projects which were outlined alongside the Mental Health Investment Fund which had received 26 expressions of interest, 15 shortlisted and 4 confirmed awards so far.


The Committee were advised of future plans with lots of projects beginning and moving forward.  It was also outlined what is already in place that would be supported and a list of 23 organisations who had received grants from the Thriving Communities Commissioning Fund were circulated to members for information. It was emphasised that the voluntary sector were struggling due to the bureaucracy they have to go through when all they want to do is help those who need it.


The committee were reminded that the following priorities would be carried forward:


·         To keep the focus on people not patients

·         To ensure our corporate priorities are weaved into the whole system of health and wellbeing priorities

·         Align our future TCCF objectives to whole system success

·         To build resilience in our partner’s ability to deliver projects and overcome challenges as a partnership


The Chair thanked the officers for the update and advised she would like to take away the information they had provided and send any questions through off-line.


Members felt this was a fantastic document and highlighted the number of ‘hidden’ residents in the Borough.


Cllr Robini asked if Surrey County Councillors were involved in the board as he felt they could then challenge when cases are highlighted as falling through the gap. Sam Hutchison advised that information about specific cases could not be disseminated due to GDRP but if a Surrey County Councillor wished to join the board and then raise generic issues that would be welcomed.


It was suggested that business be engaged with as many would be happy to get involved in reaching out to people in need.


The Chair thanked the officers again and invited them to return to the committee at a later date to give an update and highlight any areas they feel the committee could help with.

Supporting documents: