Agenda item

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) Survey Presentation

Board to receive a presentation detailing Acuity information and to discuss areas of interest, further investigation and improvement to inform an action plan to come back to the LSAB for monitoring. 


The Tenant Involvement Officer delivered a presentation on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey conducted by Acuity, the survey supplier for the tenant satisfaction measures. The officer highlighted that from 2024, every registered provider must conduct a 12-question perception survey mandated by the RSH. This is similar to the STAR surveys previously conducted, with the last one being in 2021. The survey results will be presented in June as part of the 22 tenant satisfaction measures required by the RSH, where 10 of these measures are compliance-based, such as gas safety.


It was noted that two surveys were conducted last year, one in May and one in October, involving around 540 tenants selected randomly to ensure a statistical representation of council tenants. The methodology chosen was 70% phone surveys and 30% online surveys.


The overall satisfaction rate for the past year was 69%, a decrease from previous surveys in 2021 and 2017. This decline mirrors a national trend in falling satisfaction scores. The key reasons for satisfaction included the repair service, general happiness with the overall service, and the positive attitude of staff. Tenants who were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied cited repairs, contractor quality of work, and communication as areas for improvement. Major issues included the timescales for completing repairs, outstanding repairs, and the quality of work, with communication being a recurring issue.


The Tenant Involvement Officer noted that Waverley Borough Council generally fell in the bottom half compared to both housing associations and other councils. The exceptions were in areas like well-maintained homes, safety, and cleanliness of communal areas.



It was recommended that in order to improve satisfaction, the Council needs to work on enhancing communications with tenants and focus on timely and quality repair services. Officers are also developing an action plan based on the survey results. A key point raised was the high willingness (84%) of surveyed tenants to be contacted again, indicating potential for increased tenant engagement. The officer sought recommendations from the Board on key action points to incorporate into the action plan.


Key discussion points

1. It was unanimously agreed that improving the repair services would significantly enhance tenant satisfaction. The emphasis was on addressing the quality of work, contractor performance, and better communication regarding repair schedules.

2. There was a strong sentiment towards engaging with tenants who participated in the survey. The board discussed methods to thank these tenants and involve them in future consultations, possibly through the Tenant’s Panel. It was agreed upon that a thank you letter or email should be sent to those who participated along with an invite to attend a meeting of the Tenant’s Panel to voice any of their concerns.

3. The Board suggested that officers follow up with tenants who highlighted critical issues like damp and mould. The Tenant Involvement Officer confirmed that such issues were immediately passed to the relevant team for triage.

4. The board expressed interest in receiving regular updates on the progress of addressing the identified issues. They highlighted the importance of transparency and keeping tenants informed about actions taken based on the survey feedback.



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