Agenda item

Corporate Performance Report Q4

The Corporate Performance Report provides an analysis of the Council’s

performance for the 4th quarter of 2023-24. The report, set out at Annexe 1,

is being presented to each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for

comment and any recommendations they may wish to make to the Executive.


Jenny Sturgess, Policy and Performance Officer, introduced the Corporate Performance Report for Q4 of 2023/24 advising the Committee that pages 22 introduced the Corporate Dashboard and the areas under this committees remit were from pages 54 onwards.


The Committee were advised that officers were looking at a new reporting template for 2024/25 and were encouraged to submit questions to officers in advance to allow them to collate answers for the meeting.


The Chair welcomed the report and the narratives outlining the hard work each service was doing.


Regeneration and Planning Policy


Officers were asked if the planning application for Loungers had been submitted yet and were advised that it was due soon.


Members welcomed the information on the Godalming mobile youth service as they were keen to launch a similar project in Haslemere.


Officers were asked when members could hope to have an update on the ‘call for sites’ and were advised a member briefing would be arrange in the near future.


Commercial Services


The Chair welcomed the update on Building Control and asked the members to note the revised title of Registered Building Inspectors (previously Building Control Surveyors).


Community Services


Sam Hutchison, Assistant Director for Communities gave a brief overview of the report for this service. She highlighted that the cost of living crisis was still having huge impacts to our residents and that Careline were having issues with accessing stocks of digital alarms which will be needed for the digital phoneline switchover.


Members advised they were having calls from residents about residents’ concerns regarding the digital phoneline. Officers advised they were happy to speak to members offline.


Environmental Services


Members were pleased to note that targets around missed bins had been met in this service following a number of quarters of them been off target. It was highlighted that although the collections of commercial and residential waste was on target that collections of refuse on our green spaces and streets was lacking in areas with waste bins overflowing etc. The need for more dog waste bins was also highlighted by members.


Cllr Jane Austin advised that residents in Bramley were receiving an additional collection of plastic bottles due to the emergency they were currently experiencing. She highlighted this had taken some time as the instruction to the waste collection company was not passed across in a timely manner.  Julian Higson, Joint Strategic Director reiterated the apology that this had not been carried out as quickly as possible.


Planning Development


The Chair advised members that she had attended the Dunsfold consultation and was pleased to announce that, after a number of years of uncertainty for this site, the team leading this seem to be keen to progress and a reserved matters application would be submitted this summer.


Members welcomed all the targets that had been met this quarter after a number of missed targets in previous years.


Officers were asked to quantify the target for percentage of enforcement actioned within 12 weeks. It was showing as good but it was felt this was not felt ‘on the ground’. The Chair explained that, in her experience, sometimes it is the inspectorate who cause the delay in enforcement action when appeals are submitted. Officers were asked to clarify how the statistic was calculated?


Regulatory Services


Members noted the report highlighting that officers were working hard in all the teams.


Cllr Austin raised concern that the Bramley incident was not mentioned in the report as members needed regular updates.  Richard Homewood, Assistant Director of Regulatory Services, advised he was chairing the recovery group and would ensure that members were updated.     

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