Agenda item

Waverley LCWIP Adoption

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Resources is asked to scrutinise the report on of the updates to the Farnham LCWIP, its bringing into line with the wider Waverley LCWIP, and their adoption into planning policy.


81.1     The Sustainable Transport Projects Officer introduced the report, noting Surrey County Council’s (SCC’s) rollout of the Farnham Infrastructure Plan, Farnham’s resulting two LCWIPs and the reprioritisation of the different measures in the dedicated Farnham LCWIP in October 2023. It was clarified that Waverley suggested certain additional changes at this juncture, and that these did not impact the work done by the SCC councillors.


81.2     Cllr Laughton stated that he had been informed that certain SCC councillors, as well as other stakeholders, felt that the proposals in the agenda papers are inconsistent with agreements made in October 2023. Officers clarified that the proposals being considered here are in addition to those agreed in October 2023, the prioritisations of which remain unaffected.


81.3     Cllr Macleod referred to consultation with SCC members that had previously taken place, that he had not been aware of the new proposed routes before receiving the Waverley LCWIP document, and stated that SCC councillors would be asked to approve this as a Highways matter given the decommission of the Local Committee. He also encouraged greater consultation with Farnham councillors and the Waverley Borough councillors that sit on Surrey County Council.


81.4     Cllr Cockburn stated that she felt the document was not yet sufficiently developed to be adopted and inform future planning, noting that she felt its aspirations may not reflect those of Farnham residents and that further consultation was imperative.


81.5     Cllr Williams clarified that the Waverley LCWIP was not intended to be adopted at this meeting, and that confusion likely arises from the fact that Waverley must have an LCWIP that excludes Farnham, which has its own LCWIP under the Farnham Infrastructure Programme. He also noted that this will be regularly updated and developed to integrate with the emerging Local Plan, and provide a basis for allocation of CIL funding to active travel across the borough. He remarked on the importance of aligning the methodology of each LCWIP to achieve this.


81.6     Visiting councillor Cllr Robini stated that he was unaware of the additional proposals and requested consultation as the county councillor for Haslemere. Cllr Davidson added that he felt the policy recommendations being recommended for adoption would benefit from clarification, while officers confirmed to Cllr MacLeod that the addition of features such as Core Walking Zones was precisely in aid of methodological alignment between the Waverley and Farnham LCWIP, though he felt these additions still warranted further consultation.


81.7     Cllr Williams clarified that these additions and other minor changes do not constitute major changes to the plan. Cllr Townsend noted that SCC consult on borough and district LCWIPs as part of realising their design codes for Healthy Streets for Surrey, which are compulsory policy. The Chair declared that he felt the document should be updated to clarify the policy recommendations and better represent its purpose.


The Committee RESOLVED to recommend that greater consultation with Surrey County councillors, Farnham Town councillors and the public is carried out on the content of the Waverley LCWIP before it is adopted by the Executive.


The Committee also RESOLVED to criticise the lack on consultation up to this point and the framing of the report.


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