Agenda item

Economic Development Strategy

The Committee are to receive a presentation by the Regeneration and Planning Policy team to update members on the progress of the Economic Development Strategy.


43.3     The Economic Development Manager referenced events such as Brexit, the pandemic and cost of living crisis in explanation of the need to update the Strategy, and reminded the committee of the need to support businesses to endure the issues they face in recruitment and retention, among other areas. They noted that some of the work in this area would be addressed in parts of the new Local Plan.


43.4     The collaborative work with Guildford Borough Council and Addison Young was referenced to emphasise the quantitative and qualitative data collection that took place, alongside other partners such as the local Chambers of Commerce. Colleagues in Waverley’s Planning department were contacted, as were a range of external groups and stakeholders.


43.5     Cllr Crowe asked whether reviews of the council’s waste contract to explore emission reduction will include more opportunities for residents to pursue recycling. It was stated that this would be fed back to the Executive Head of Service and Director, as was a comment about the need to develop public transport.


43.6     Cllr Keen referred to the commercial spaces lost to housing development.


43.7     Accepting that there were still alterations to be made, non-voting member Cllr Hyman noted that the Strategy does not align with the years of the new Local Plan, contended that Waverley may not be able to afford to widely engage in Passivhaus retrofitting and thus advise others, and queried the home build costs of the Property Development Strategies.  He also raised what he felt were contradictions in the policies on congestion. The Executive Head of Regeneration and Planning Policy clarified that the Strategy’s 10-year time horizon was planned and that the document will be reviewed as appropriate.


43.8     Cllr Robini noted the difficulties of encouraging active travel and building the appropriate infrastructure in Haslemere, and asked how funding would be secured to make the necessary changes. The Joint Strategic Director of Place noted the that wide range and ambition of the strategy would help with securing relevant funding bids after partner organisations are invested and reiterated that active travel measures also fall under the Climate Change Action Plan. The Economic Development Manager referred to a recent trial change to the hopper service.


43.9     Cllr Munro asked about the impact that the Strategy will have on housing, that Woolmead’s issues be addressed in the document, that a review of congestion pinch points be included in the action plan. The Joint Strategic Director of Place noted the importance of planning to both the Local Plan and Economic Development Strategy and that housing policies form a large part of the Strategy – she also stated that there is work planned regarding Woolmead  and would confer with Cllr Munro about this, and that usage of the Invest To Save fund would be considered.


43.10   Cllr Busby asked if the Strategy should include reference to the value of existing amenities to the rural economy. The Joint Strategic Director of Place clarified that this would be considered under the Local Plan. The Economic Development Manager noted that the Rural Prosperity Fund was addressing some of these concerns.


43.11   The Executive Head of Regeneration and Planning Policy reminded the committee that infrastructure is also reliant on a suite of other supporting documents such as the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and LCWIP. The Chair voiced concern about restrictions on business accommodation having the potential to drive away potential investors and referenced the success of the new Ashgate Gallery. The Joint Strategic Director of Place noted that many businesses now desire space on much more flexible terms.


43.12   Cllr Long noted the Digital Voice Switchover scheduled for 2025 and asked about plans for broadband infrastructure given the areas of no service in rural parts of the borough given new hybrid working habits. The Joint Strategic Director of Place noted that many businesses stated that many staff of younger generations have very different travel demands and that these changes can be reflected in the Strategy as well as the new Local Plan.

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