Agenda item

Transformation and Collaboration Programme Update

Executive Head of Organisational Development to provide an update on the Transformation and Collaboration Programme with Guildford Borough Council.


Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Resources to receive and note the Transformation and Collaboration Programme report (and appendices) which was approved by the Executive on 28 November 2023.


70.1     The  Business Transformation Manager presented the report alongside the Joint Strategic Director for Transformation and Governance and gave the attached presentation.


70.2     Members queried the potential complexities and costs around integrating IT systems and altering staff terms and conditions. There were further queries about the integration of services and the knock-on impact on service areas in both Councils. The Joint Strategic Director for Transformation and Governance informed members that the business cases would provide further clarity but there were no figures regarding IT integration and staff terms and conditions are available at present, though agreed that financial prudence is paramount.


70.3     Cllr Davidson questioned if the greatest savings would be made through staff reductions, urged significant staff involvement from the outset, and raised concerns about staff morale. The Committee also asked if there is a projection on potential loss of staff as a direct impact of the Programme. The Joint Strategic Director for Transformation and Governance noted the recent staff engagement at staff briefings he delivered at both Guildford and Waverley Borough Councils.


70.4     Cllr Wicks queried whether there would be any compulsory or voluntary staff redundancies due to the Transformation & Collaboration Programme, specifically amongst long serving staff and whether there is provision in the budget for the associated payments. Joint Strategic Director for Transformation and Governance stated that he could not answer any questions about staffing at this stage, though options are being considered and the discussion will be sensitively handled.


70.4     Cllr MacLeod noted that Guildford and Waverley are collaborating and not merging, and so some usage of different systems may be desirable. Joint Strategic Director for Transformation and Governance felt that there may be some such cases, in his view.


70.5     Non-voting visiting member Cllr Austin emphasized the importance of a detailed financial justification and suggested that a breakdown of direct and indirect costs and benefits be submitted to the Committee, including loss of staff listed as an indirect cost. She also stated that she felt it should not be a priority of Waverley to help Guildford Borough Council out of financial distress.


70.6     Cllr Davidson reiterated that the collaboration was at a project initiation stage at present, and so it is reasonable that these numbers have not been finalised.


70.7     The Chair also requested greater clarity on historical and projected financial numbers, requesting that the Committee is supplied with a full breakdown of costs and savings, both net and gross over the elapsed 2 years of the programme to present. He commented on the charges mentioned in Appendix 4 to the report and requested a breakdown of all projected costs, charges and savings associated with the Transformation & Collaboration Programme that details how the costs will be shared between the two authorities and the period over which the payments will be made.



The Joint Strategic Director for Transformation and Governance noted that savings already realised will be analysed to help understand their source, as well as the source of further costs.


The Committee RESOLVED to broadly endorse the report but sought further clarity on the financial aspects. The Committee sought a full breakdown of historic and projected costs and savings, including detail on how costs will be shared across between Guildford and Waverley Borough Councils.

Supporting documents: