Agenda item

Fairground Development Project

The Executive are recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at agenda item 10.


Portfolio Holder for Finance, Assets and Property together with Portfolio Holder for Planning & Regeneration and Economic Development; and Co Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery)



The Executive RESOLVED to:


       I.          Proceed with option A of the Business case for the Fairground Development Project.

     II.          Progress a competitive dialogue process for the purpose of procuring a development partner for the project.

   III.          Procure the relevant consultancy services for the project.

  IV.          Delegate authority to the Strategic Director - Place in consultation with the Executive Director of Legal Services and Democratic Support and the relevant portfolio holder to approve all procurement documents.

    V.          Delegate authority to the Strategic Director - Place, in consultation with the Strategic Director, Legal & Democratic Service and Portfolio Holder for Finance & Assets to approve and award of consultancy services contracts.

  VI.          Receive a report and recommendations once the procurement process has been completed.


That the Executive RECOMMENDED that Full Council approves:


1.     A Budget estimate of £21,408,334 for the capital works to complete the project including an allocation of £280,410 for the procurement of the required services for the next stage of the project.




Councillor Mark Merryweather, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Assets and Property introduced the report which sought approval to proceed with the Fairground Development Project. Councillor Merryweather summarised the background to the project including the allocation of the site in Local Plan Part 2, together with the housing ambitions set out in the Corporate Strategy. Five options had been assessed and a mixed use development of retail space and 32 residential homes at Waverley rent was proposed. The recommended scheme would be self-funding with the retail element generating revenue income for the general fund, and the residential homes would be operated within the Council’s estate of 5,000 homes.


The report set out the agreed objectives and parameters on which to procure a development partner and instruct independent professional experts to proceed with design work.  Concerns and competing priorities would be addressed through the design stage and then consultation, prior to any planning application. Councillor Merryweather emphasised that progress would require further Executive, and Council approval. Officers were thanked for bring forward deliverable and sustainable options aligned to the Local Plan and Corporate Strategy.


The Leader invited non-voting visiting Members of the Council in attendance as observers to speak. Councillors Robini and Weldon spoke or had provided written commentary, as Haslemere ward councillors and queried:


·       Where the displaced cars would park?

·       How traffic congestion would be mitigated?

·       Whether the housing allocation would be retained for local people?

·       When public consultation would start?

The Leader invited comments from Haslemere Town Councillors Bayliss and Matthes, in attendance as observers, who queried whether it was felt that the consultation would have a meaningful impact as the report was specific about both the number of properties and that a supermarket would be provided, rather than seeking to consult on the broad aspirations for the site.


Councillor Merryweather, The Leader and Officers in attendance responded accordingly:


·       A complete parking assessment of the broader area would be undertaken as part of the next phase and would be articulated through the brief to secure a development partner

·       Traffic congestion was a matter for Surrey County Council about which WBC would continue to engage with Haslemere Town Council and Surrey County Council

·       The houses would be retained by the Council and would be subject to Waverley’s allocation policy

·       The Council had to strike a balance to ensure that enough information would be available for the consultation to be meaningful

·       The Council was committed to engaging as openly and transparently as possible and had considered professional advice on a range of options, of which 5 were set out in the report; and

·       The Local Plan had already been the product of many years of consultation, and the Council was now progressing the delivery of its Corporate Strategy commitments, which included financial sustainability.

Executive Members’ statements in support of the recommendations included:


·       The site presented an opportunity for the Council to deliver its own housing development on a brownfield site, which would when completed provide jobs for local people

·       Residents and community groups would greatly benefit from the delivery of a new Community Hub; and

·       The proposal represented an exciting, progressive development, marking the end of the beginning for the project. 

The Leader advised that items 10 and 11 were linked projects and therefore the recommendations for item 11 would be taken en bloc immediately after item 10.


The Executive RESOLVED to:


       I.          Proceed with option A of the Business case for the Fairground Development Project.

     II.          Progress a competitive dialogue process for the purpose of procuring a development partner for the project.

   III.          Procure the relevant consultancy services for the project.

  IV.          Delegate authority to the Strategic Director - Place in consultation with the Executive Director of Legal Services and Democratic Support and the relevant portfolio holder to approve all procurement documents.

    V.          Delegate authority to the Strategic Director - Place, in consultation with the Strategic Director, Legal & Democratic Service and Portfolio Holder for Finance & Assets to approve and award of consultancy services contracts.

  VI.          Receive a report and recommendations once the procurement process has been completed.


That the Executive RECOMMENDED that Full Council approves:


1.     A Budget estimate of £21,408,334 for the capital works to complete the project including an allocation of £280,410 for the procurement of the required services for the next stage of the project.




a)    To proceed with the Fairground Development Project in line with the Business Case at Appendix 1.

b)    To give authority to officers to undertake the next steps of procurement (a Competitive Dialogue Process), and once complete, return to Executive to report the outcome of the process.

Supporting documents: