Agenda item


The Council will be asked to consider the recommendation of the JAC, following its meeting on 14 December 2023 for an appointment to the Joint Chief Executive/ Head of Paid Service post, which will be made subject to confirmation of the commencement date of the appointment and no material or well-founded objection being made by either of the two Council Leaders on behalf of their respective Executives.


On moving the recommendation, Councillor Clark summarised the interview process that had taken place and was delighted that Mr Pedro Wrobel had been recommended for appointment as Joint Chief Executive unanimously by the Joint Appointments Committee. Mr Wrobel had impressed at interview with his experience and leadership energy. Mr Wrobel had identified that the pace of collaboration needed to accelerate, coupled with better communication to residents and stakeholders, which demonstrated an alignment with Members’ views.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Merryweather echoed Cllr Clarks’ comments and added that an exceptional group of candidates had engaged in a thorough interview process and expressed his confidence that Mr Wrobel would rise to the challenges facing both councils over the coming years.


At the invitation of the Mayor, The Leader of the Council, Councillor Follows (in remote attendance) expressed his thanks as Chair of the Joint Appointments Committee to the Leader of Guildford Borough Council, Julia McShane, together with Officers in support of the process which had seen a shortlist prepared from twenty initial applicants. Mr Wrobel had demonstrated a clear alignment tothe Council’s values together with a commitment to the challenge and transformation. Councillor Follows confirmed the pre-employment checks that would be required and highlighted that the Joint Appointments Committee had agreed the salary uplift from that advertised.  The Leader confirmed that Executive members of both Councils had no objections to the appointment.


Councillor Martin spoke in favour of the recommendation, despite his opposition to the collaboration, and commended Mr Wrobel’s appointment to the Council.


Councillor Hyman spoke against the proposal as in his opinion insufficient information had been made available, including the reasoning for the salary uplift. Councillor Clark clarified in response that the Joint Appointments Committee had been unanimous in its support of the salary uplift as part of negotiating terms with Mr Wrobel.


Councillors Davidson and Ken Reed spoke in support of the proposal and were pleased that the Guildford and Waverley Joint Chief Executive role had proven to be attractive to candidates. However, clarification was sought as to whether a relocation allowance would be paid, what clearances were required, and whether additional the terms and conditions had been agreed. Councillor Clark responded and explained that Mr Wrobel lived in Surrey so no relocation allowance was necessary, and that Mr Wrobel’s employment would be in accordance with Waverley Borough Council’s employment terms and conditions, together with typical HR clearances including the right to work in the UK, medical clearance, and references.


Councillor Hyman raised a point of order, specifying that Article 12 had not been complied with as there was insufficient information to make a decision including an absence of the proposed start date and whether Mr Wrobel would receive an additional fee as Returning Officer. The Mayor, having sought the advice of the Monitoring Officer, ruled that the point of order was not valid, as no Council Procedure Rule or Law had been alleged to have been breached.


Councillor Clark exercised his right of reply to commend the appointment to Council.


Upon being put to the vote, Council RESOLVED:


That the formal appointment of Pedro Wrobel to the post of Joint Chief Executive and designation as Head of Paid Service for both Waverley and Guildford Borough Councils be confirmed at a salary of £165,000 p.a., subject to the usual HR clearances.

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