Agenda item

Polling District and Polling Places Review 2023

The Council is recommended to make the resolutions set out in the report at

agenda item 12.


67.1        The Leader introduced and moved the recommendation from the Executive, with Councillor Kiehl seconding. The Leader then introduced Councillor Macleod, who presented an amendment from the standards committee regarding a comprehensive review of polling stations.


67.2        Councillor Macleod outlined advice on three polling stations, including Farnham north-west, where the Standards Committee recommended The Hale Village Institute Hall after considering local members' input. Councillor Macleod mentioned three temporary polling places for upcoming elections and addressed issues related to Godalming Charterhouse, particularly parking, which will be further investigated. Councillor Macleod then passed the discussion back to the Mayor to propose a recommendation to the Council.


67.3        Susan Sale clarified whether Councillor Macleod was proposing an amendment to the published recommendation. Councillor Macleod responded that item C represented the proposed amendment. The Mayor clarified that Councillor Macleod was proposing an amendment and asked for a seconder, the Vice Chair seconded the proposed amendment.


67.4        The Leader emphasised the parking constraints at the church, suggesting alternative parking arrangements if it were to be used as a polling station. The Leader supported the recommendations and thanked the standards committee for their sensible debate. Councillor Williams expressed regret about considering a polling station outside the ward, emphasising the inconvenience for residents. However, Councillor Williams welcomed the agreed amendment with the condition of suitable parking arrangements.


67.5        Councillor Martin expressed concern about using Busbridge Church as a polling station due to constraints and suggested the Masonic center as an alternative with better parking and a less busy junction. Councillor Martin raised concerns about the limited polling station in the Holloway Ward, emphasising potential impacts on voting results.


67.6        Councillor Goodridge expressed concerns about potential traffic chaos and danger to children in the cul-de-sac where the temporary polling station was located. Councillor Goodridge requested assurance for a review after the PCC elections. Councillor Beaman expressed satisfaction with the decision to move the polling station, citing the advantages of The Hale Institute over Folly Hill Infant School, including better accessibility and parking.


67.7        Councillor Follows addressed concerns about a review, noting differences between PCC and general elections. Councillor White expressed support for Councillor Beaman's statement. Councillor Palmer agreed with the points made and emphasized efforts to promote postal voting for increased convenience. Councillor Hyman supported the use of The Hill over Folly Hill School during school terms, considering it a good option.

67.8        Councillor Hyman highlighted issues with limited parking when using only one polling station and potential problems during holidays.


67.9        The Mayor invited Councillor Macleod to sum up. Councillor Macleod thanked the officers and thanked the members for a good discussion and for going along with the recommendations. The Mayor announced that the Standards and General Purposes Committee recommended Full Council approval for the polling place in Farnham North West 2 as Hale Village Institute Hall, along with the proposed polling districts and places outlined in appendix 1.


67.10     An additional recommendation delegated authority to the Returning Officer, in consultation with ward members, to make further amendments to the designation of a polling place throughout 2024.The Standards and General Purposes Committee proposed temporary designations for polling places until usual venues were available in 2024:


·       Cranleigh East 1: St. Nicholas Church Rooms

·       Godalming Binscombe: Waverley Family Centre

·       Godalming Charterhouse: St. John the Evangelist Church (contingent upon suitable parking arrangements).


The Mayor moved to a vote and it was RESOLVED:


To approve the polling place for Farnham North West 2 as Hale Village Institute Hall; and upon doing so;        


To approve the proposed polling districts and polling places as set out in appendix 1 of the report, including the polling place for Farnham North West 2.


To approve delegated authority to the Returning Officer, in consultation with ward members, to make further amendments to the designation of a polling place throughout 2024.The Standards and General Purposes Committee proposed temporary designations for polling places until usual venues were available in 2024:


·       Cranleigh East 1: St. Nicholas Church Rooms

·       Godalming Binscombe: Waverley Family Centre

·       Godalming Charterhouse: St. John the Evangelist Church (contingent upon suitable parking arrangements).


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