Agenda item

Q2 Corporate Performance Report 2023-24

The Q2 Corporate Performance Report, Annexe 1, provides an analysis of the Council’s performance for the second quarter of 2023/24.


The Housing Service performance information has been extracted for the LSAB. The full performance report can be found on the Council website.


Recommendation to Landlord Services Advisory Board:


It is recommended that the Board considers the performance of the housing service areas, and


1) identifies any areas for comment or further exploration, and

2) makes any recommendations to senior management or the Portfolio Holders for Housing as appropriate.


The Executive Head of Housing (Operations & Services), Andrew Smith, addressed the Board an introduced section 2.1.1 of the Q2 Corporate Performance Report 2023-24, noting that partnership working has been the focus for the management team and that the team is seeing increasing vulnerability in tenants and the number of tenants who require support.


The Executive Head of Housing (Operations & Services) acknowledge that there were a large number of red KPIs on Page 4 of Annex 1, however, he noted that these were generally moving in the right direction. He informed the Board that the Housing team are working on improving voids turnaround times and noted the improvement in responsive repairs and reassured Members that work with Ian Williams to improve the service is continuing.


Members referenced the Responsive repairs figures (H5a-H6b) on Page 4 of Annex 1 and expressed their disappoint with the figures. Cllr Keen questioned whether these responsive repairs were particularly difficult repairs, hence the increased repair times. The Chair further queried whether the Stock Condition Surveys were giving officers a lead in terms of future works that need to be planned and whether they are bringing up more repairs. Cllr Robini referenced part 2.5.3 of Annex 1 asked for clarity on the increase in complexity of complaints.


The Compliance Manager, Matt Alexander, responded to some of these queries. He explained that he could not provide a full breakdown at this point but noted that there had been an increase in minor works i.e. works with more than one component or operative required. These would take more time, resources and organisation. He noted that another Repairs Inspector and a Damp and Mould Officer had been recruited and will be in post from January 2024 which will drive improvements in repairs. He agreed that the Stock Condition Surveys were producing a lot more repair works which had not formally been reported the Council and this could be contributing to the figures. In terms of the increase in complexity of complaints in part 2.5.3, Annalisa Howson explained that complexity of investigations such as reviewing the structure of the building in cases of damp and mould are a substantial reason for the increase in response time.


The Board made reference to H6a in Annex 1 and queried whether these figures are such because they were not completed right the first time or whether these are cases that cannot be fixed the first time, so a return visit is needed. The Services Improvements Manager explained that the figures in H6a are based on a tenants survey to give a view on how tenants are experiencing the service, rather than the Contactor’s view.


Cllr Robini raised concerns about the lack of affording housing and housing delivery in the Borough shown in the KPIs, specifically in Town Centres/high street areas and whether this had anything to do with Planning Policies or technicalities.

The Executive Head of Housing (Operations & Services) responded and explained that Housing Delivery and Function is certainly a valid issue, however the lack of housing delivery schemes is attributed to build cost inflation and affordable homes needing to be viable before works proceed. He noted that there was significant pressure on affordable housing providers and that affordable homes are built to the correct standard. He further noted that Housing Register numbers will stay as they are unless new builds are occurring.


Annalisa Howson, Services Improvement Manager, reminded the Board that Housing Delivery is not within the remit of this Board.

Annalisa Howson encouraged the Board to comment and recommend any suggestions on the format in which these figures are brought to them. She noted that the Housing Team would be happy to restart monthly operational housing indicators with the Board in order for Members of the Board to receive information in a more timely fashion. Further, she noted that we could look at coming out of the Corporate template and developing a snapshot or dashboard on a monthly basis which is more user friendly.


The Leader informed the Board that changing or altering the Performance Indicators of the specified Service Area within the Corporate Performance Reports sits within the remit of the Executive and any recommendations regarding these would be welcomed and considered by the Executive.


Cllr Keen voiced her concern about the ‘Right to Buy’ scheme resulting in the Council losing their property stock which adds to the burden on social housing as our stock is diminishing. The Board acknowledged that this was a Central Government issue.


Annalisa Howson, Services Improvement Manager, provided the Board with an overview of the remainder of the Q2 Corporate Performance Report 2023-24, Housing Performance extract at Annex 1 and provided some key updates, including;


- 2.3, the Service Plans Progress Update indicates that all service plan actions are on track, however Annalisa advised that the Board may want a breakdown with more information in future.


- 2.4 Internal Audit actions looked at the outcomes of the Use and Occupation Charges audit which highlighted an anomaly with some of the data, therefore concluding that some policies needed to be tightened and training needed to be provided. The Succession Policy was reviewed which looks at inheriting a property when an occupant passes away – Annalisa noted that this can be brought to the Board in future if they would like.


- 2.5, Complaints Data highlighted a concern about the lack of resources to respond to complaints. It was noted that Amy Walton, the new Service Improvement Officer is now in post and will be providing additional support in providing responses to complaints in a timely fashion. A corporate review on how the Team manages complaints will be brought back to Board in the spring following the Housing Ombudsman and Local Govt. Ombudsman ‘Joint Code of Practice’ consultation.


- 2.6, the Finance position offers a breakdown of the HRA financial position, income and expenditure and forecast outturn.


The Board noted the report and had no further comments to make.



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