Agenda item

Q2 Corporate Performance Report 2023-24

The Corporate Performance Report provides an analysis of the Council’s

performance for the second quarter of 2023-24. The report, as set out at Annexe 1, is being presented to each of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for

comment and so that they may make any recommendations that they resolve to the Executive.


Jenny Sturgess and Heads of Service to highlight areas relating to this committees remit (pages to note are Pages 44-79 of the Agenda papers).


51.1     Jenny Sturgess introduced the report, noting that the relevant pages were 44-79.


51.2     The Chair enquired about the percentage of the total number of Q1 complaints responded to within the target timeframe. Jenny Sturgess clarified that, of the two major contributors to this increase, only Housing Services was under this committee’s remit. Robin Taylor stated that the benchmarking data clarified that the figure compared relatively well to the Surrey modal average.


51.3     Cllr MacLeod enquired about the percentage variance for the total Joint Management Budget and if this was the best way to display figures. The Financial Services Manager clarified that this was a formula-driven figure and would be reviewed. The Senior Accountant stated that under-achievement in rental income was due to a small increase in certain long-term void levels.


51.4     Cllr Davidson noted that several of the projects brought forward are in Haslemere and cautioned against these being progressed before engagement with Haslemere Town Council regarding The Edge. The Leader clarified that the Town Clerk has been briefed, and Cllr Robini will ask questions regarding this at the next Executive Briefing.


51.5     The Chair enquired about the plan to let office space in the second floor of The Burys. The Leader noted that tenures would necessarily be short given the potential upcoming co-location with Guildford Borough Council.


51.6     Cllr Barker-Lomax queried the cause of a reduction in the percentage of complaints responded to in target time in Communications and Customer Service. The Leader noted that there is a lag in the data from the present quarter and that the measures that have been introduced will likely be positively impact the percentage in the present and future quarters. Jenny Sturgess reiterated that the impacts to many of the indicators was driven by two services with specific issues.


51.7     Cllr Atkins enquired whether a performance plan had been implemented within the Complaints team. The Leader stressed the value of addressing the sources of complaints and that this was being actioned by Executive and LSAB for those relating to Housing.


51.8     Non-voting member Cllr Hyman queried a summary update on the progress of the implications of the collaboration agreement to Legal Services. The Joint Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services noted that the lack of a formal decision from Council at this stage means that Legal Services cannot progress with a shared service, though limited preliminary sharing arrangements have begun.


51.9     Cllr Hyman asked when he may receive confirmation that the issue of habitat compliance will be included in the Local Plan and when Members will be briefed. Cllr Liz Townsend noted the importance of reports & evidence regarding habitat compliance being considered in a specific order, as well as of considering the status of development borough-wide.


51.10   The Executive Head of Regeneration and Planning Policy clarified details about the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the launch of the Rural England Prosperity Fund following an enquiry from the Chair. Cllr Townsend noted that Waverley’s £400,000 from the latter fund was pooled with the funds of other councils’ and that Surrey County Council are now administering the pool.


The Committee resolved to note the report and recommendations.


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