Agenda item

Collaboration Update

Committee to receive verbal update and presentation on Collaboration and Business Transformation from Robin Taylor (Executive Head of Organisational Development).


The Chair emphasized the importance of staying informed about the progress of the WBC & GBC Collaboration and Business Transformation initiative, acknowledging its significance for both councils.


Robin Taylor, the Executive Head of Organisational Development, then presented on the collaboration initiative between Waverley and Guildford Borough Councils. His presentation covered various aspects and milestones of the collaboration, providing a comprehensive overview of the progress made.


·        Robin highlighted the partnership vision, emphasizing that the collaboration aimed to protect and enhance priority services while maintaining separate democratic organisations for each council.

·        He clarified that the initiative did not seek to merge the two councils, and the vision was to form a stable basis for future collaboration discussions.

·        The governance arrangements were discussed, including key dates and actions leading to the formation of the Joint Management Team (JMT). The JMT structure became operational on October 1, 2022.

·        The creation of a collaboration risk assessment was mentioned, and Robin noted the Joint Governance Committee’s role in periodically reviewing the Inter-Authority Agreement (IAA) and risk register.



Robin provided an overview of the progress made in terms of savings. The Joint Management Team and business support-related costs for Waverley and Guildford had achieved savings that exceeded the initial targets.


He discussed several examples of efficiencies achieved through collaboration, including a shared contract with a supplier for emergency response, a shared staff well-being survey, and the appointment of shared staff positions in key areas.

Robin emphasised the principle of “invest to save,” noting that both Waverley and Guildford would need to invest in change management resources to realise savings.


The presentation highlighted challenges and opportunities associated with the collaboration. Robin mentioned that the Joint Management Team, would proceed with a focus on business cases.


The challenge of IT integration was also addressed, acknowledging the complexities of merging two organisations with separate IT portfolios. Robin emphasised that the approach to IT integration would be on a case-by-case basis, aligning with the collaborative vision’s commitment to harmonising processes unless there’s a compelling reason not to.


The Chair opened the floor for questions.


The Committee expressed appreciation for the case-by-case approach to IT integration and the emphasis on efficiency while retaining the sovereignty of both councils.


The Chair raised concerns about the situation in Guildford and the potential issuance of a Section 114 notice, as well as the recruitment and retention of senior officers. He also expressed concerns about the allocation of time by the Joint Management Team.


Robin explained that the allocation of time by the Joint Management Team is a subject discussed and managed at the Joint Governance Committee, with measures in place to mitigate imbalances. The work is dynamic and often benefits both authorities.


Regarding the use of interim staff, Robin stressed that interims are used when necessary, especially for statutory roles. The goal is to avoid making incorrect permanent appointments and instead use interim staff to fill gaps while addressing Recruitment and Retention challenges.


He acknowledged the Recruitment and Retention challenges and mentioned that Workforce Development plans are being developed for both authorities, focusing on succession planning, Learning and Development, Recruitment and Retention, and pay and reward. These plans are designed to address these critical issues for both councils.


The meeting concluded with the discussion of the collaboration program’s timetable, with no specific date set for when it will come to the committee, as this is dependent on the report being finalised and going to the Guildford and Waverley Executives (31st October at the earliest). It was acknowledged that members need to be aware of the potential workload and engagement as the program progresses.


Robin also confirmed that he is willing to provide regular updates on the progress of the Collaboration to the O&S Resources Committee and suggested that an informal session could also be considered.