Agenda item

APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION - WA/2014/2113, Land To The West Of St Georges Road, Farnham


Outline application for the erection of 71 residential dwellings including access and associated car parking.



That, subject to completion of a S106 agreement to secure appropriate contributions in respect of the Thames Basin Heaths Avoidance Strategy, 40% affordable housing, infrastructure contributions towards off-site highway improvements, secondary education and environmental improvements; off-site highway works and the setting up of a Management Company for play spaces, open space and SuDS, conditions, and consideration of any outstanding consultee responses and additional representations received, permission be GRANTED.


Proposed development


Outline application for the erection of 71 residential dwellings including access and associated car parking (as amplified by emails and additional information received 29/01/2015; 02/02/2015; 18/02/2015 (highways modelling information); 22/05/2015 (flood risk assessment Revision K) and 24/06/2015 (reptile survey) and amended by email received 06/01/2015 (housing mix) and plan received 22/06/2015 (revised site layout 02C).


With reference to the report circulated with the agenda, Officers presented a summary of the proposed development including site photos, plans showing the proposed access, and an indicative layout demonstrating how the residential dwellings might be accommodated on the site. Officers outlined the determining issues, including matters of technical judgement in relation to flooding and highways, and those matters of a more subjective nature.


Officers drew attention to the Update report, which included clarification of the weight to be given to Policy C2 as a housing land supply policy following recent legal judgements; additional information regarding the heads of terms of the legal agreement in relation to the proposed Management Company, to include public parking for the recreation ground and ball-stop netting; confirmation of infrastructure contributions required for environmental improvements and secondary education; and additional representations.


The Committee was advised that the recommendation had been revised to reflect the additional heads of terms for the legal agreement; and minor amendments to Conditions 3, 16, 18 and 19 were proposed, if the Committee granted outline planning permission.


Public speaking


In accordance with the Council’s arrangements for public participation at meetings, the following made representations in respect of the application, which were duly considered:


Cliff Watts, Badsot Lea Community Association - Objector

Cllr John Fraser – Farnham Town Council

Ray Stedman & Chris Posgate – Supporter/Applicant




Cllr Storey, as Ward Councillor, reminded the Committee that this was the third application for a major housing development in Badshot Lea that had been considered by the Committee in the last 2 months. Whilst there were still concerns about the lack of infrastructure locally, including no village shop, doctors’ surgery, or school capacity, this particular site had been identified by the Community Association as being the ‘least worst’ location for development in the village.


He therefore felt that the development should be supported in principle, but he remained concerned about how the issues raised by the Community Association would be addressed by the applicant in the Reserved Matters application.


Cllr Storey’s views were echoed by the Committee as a whole, with Cllr Cockburn emphasising the importance of the applicant continuing to work with the Community Association in developing the detailed proposals in the Reserved Matters, so that the new developed enhanced the village of Badshot Lea.


A number Members raised concerns about the revised recommendation specifying the provision by the proposed Management Company of ball-stop netting to protect the properties on the western boundary of the application site from stray cricket balls from the adjacent recreation ground. They were concerned about the long-term maintenance of the netting, and the perception of dwellings being enclosed by netting. It was suggested that the risk of damage by stray cricket balls would be reduced  if dwellings were moved further away from the western boundary of the site.


In response to Members’ questions, Officers confirmed that there was sufficient SANG capacity at Farnham Park to allow for this application to be granted planning permission, although provision of further SANG was an ongoing issue; affordable homes provided on the site would be allocated in accordance with Waverley’s Allocation Scheme which prioritised need and local connections; and the final design of the development would need to satisfy the Farnham Design Statement.


Cllr Frost raised concerns about the triggers for highways improvements as set out in the proposed Highways conditions, and felt that the highways improvements to be carried out by the applicant should be completed sooner than occupation of the 50th dwelling, in order to bring about the benefits of the development to the wider community. The Head of Planning advised that these conditions had been agreed between the applicant and the County Highway Authority, and whilst Waverley had limited power to influence this he would have further discussions with the applicant and County Highway Authority about bringing forward the highway improvements sooner rather than later in the development.


The Committee was in general agreement that the application site was the most sustainable of the three application sites visited in Badshot Lea recently, and there was the least amount of local objection to development of this site compared with others. Members commended the applicant for the liaison so far with the Community Association, and strongly urged that this continue through the development of the Reserved Matters application. Members suggested that a briefing for the Committee at the pre-application stage may be helpful and provide reassurance to all stakeholders.


Whilst supportive in principle to granting outline planning permission, the Committee remained concerned about the specification of ball-stop netting in the revised recommendation. Cllr Adams proposed that “ball-stop netting” be replaced by “an appropriate means of preventing harm to dwellings caused by balls from the recreation ground” or words to that effect. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Frost, and agreed unanimously by the Committee.


The Chairman therefore put the amended recommendation to grant outline planning permission, which was carried with 22 votes in favour, and 1 abstention.




RESOLVED to GRANT Outline Planning Permission, subject to the completion of a S106 agreement to secure appropriate contributions in respect of the Thames Basin Heaths Avoidance Strategy; 40% affordable housing; infrastructure contributions towards; off-site highway improvements, secondary education, and environmental improvements; off-site highways works; and the setting up of a Management Company for play spaces, open spaces, SuDS, public parking for the recreation ground and an appropriate means of preventing harm to dwellings caused by balls from the recreation ground; and subject to conditions 1, 2, 4 – 15, 17, and 20 – 23 as set out in the agenda report, and revised conditions 3, 16, 18 and 19 as set out in the Update Report.

Supporting documents: