Agenda item

Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Updates


41.1     The Deputy Leader advised that he was pleased to receive a briefing on the Farnham infrastructure programme from Surrey County Council and looked forward to its future progress.


41.2     Cllr Mirylees advised that the Museum was on track.  Cllr Mirylees noted that with regard to the Edge, she had been asked to organise a meeting and the work was still ongoing.


41.3     Cllr Rivers advised that he had requested the Housing Team prepare a letter to be sent to the Senior Living Accommodation residents about the RAAC position so that those residents receive the appropriate degree of comfort.


41.4     Cllr Townsend advised that the council had received confirmation that the hearing for the legal challenge of the adopted Local Plan Part 2, would take place in person at the Royal Courts of Justice on the 7&8 November 2023.  She noted that she would be attending with officers.


41.5     Cllr Townsend informed the Executive and officers that she was delighted to see that the Business Improvement Districts are progressing for Godalming and Farnham and that she hoped that the ballot for Godalming would be going out soon.  She also noted that the council had funded a programme with IncuHive from January to June of this year which had helped to support 78 local businesses and contributed to creating 22 new jobs in the borough.


41.6     Cllr Williams advised that preparation for the annual update of the Carbon Neutrality Plan was complete and the 2023 plan was being reviewed by the Executive and would go to Overview and Scrutiny on the 19 February 2024.


41.7     Cllr Williams informed the Executive that there was a 39% reduction on the baseline year which was a good achievement, however two thirds of the boroughs historic carbon emissions needed to be reduced to net 0 over the remaining 7 years.


41.8     Cllr Williams advised that the administration would act on sustainable transport and was delighted that Waverley would be one of the first boroughs  to introduce the new on-demand electric bus and the scheme had gone live in Farnham and Cranleigh and would be rolled out to Godalming in the next 12 months.


41.9     Cllr Williams advised that with regard to Green Spaces, following a consultation, design briefs were being prepared for a tendering process for three playgrounds. He noted that CIL bids were being prepared for the refurbishment of three more playgrounds.


41.10   Cllr Williams advised that the refurbishment of the internal areas of the Broadwater Park changing rooms had started and would be completed in three months.


41.11   The Leader advised that with regard to the Edge, he was currently seeking a meeting between Waverly Borough Council, Surrey County Council and the Weydon MAT to start looking forward and working as one unit in terms of the future use of the Edge.  The Leader also noted that he had met with Sport Haslemere and the Herald to discuss the council plans for the Edge.


41.12   The Leader noted that the building was owned by Surrey County Council and he wanted to ensure that it was run for the leisure of Haslemere.  The Leader advised that he had requested the meeting be chaired by the Mayor of Haslemere as an independent party and that Sport Haslemere attends as an observer with Cllr Mirylees and Cllr Natalie Bramall from Surrey County Council. 


41.13.  The Leader also noted that he requested that one single communication come out of the meeting from all three parties which clearly states what is happening next so that residents and the sports clubs have some certainty before the end of September.


41.14   The Leader thanked those involved the 69 Highstreet matters last week, he advised that was great to see it finally in place and would not be too much longer before the council could announce the new tenant.


41.15   The Leader informed the Executive that there was not a wider Broadwater matter on the agenda, but it would be scheduled very soon and he would be hosting a briefing for Waverley and Godalming Town Councillors to discuss the current status and the next steps.