Agenda item

New Build Housing Delivery - Aarons Hill, Godalming


That the Executive resolves to:

     I.        Give delegated authority to the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services to approve the final form of any legal agreements and to Strategic Director (Place) to enter into the JCT Contract with the preferred contractor.

    II.        Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to approve pre contract agreements with the preferred contractor to enable the development of the project and authorise spend in accordance with the budget.

  III.        Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to enter into any related contractual documentation (including collateral warranties or agreements) relating to the project.

  IV.        Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to enter into any ancillary agreements related to the project provided that these are within the project budget.

   V.        Give delegated authority to the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services to approve and enter into a Grant Agreement with Homes England for the provision of Rough Sleeper Accommodation and delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Place to administer the grant. 

  VI.        Approve of the allocation of an additional £80k budget to be met through a combination of capital receipts and borrowing.



I.              Give delegated authority to the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services to approve the final form of any legal agreements and to Strategic Director (Place) to enter into the JCT Contract with the preferred contractor.

II.            Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to approve pre contract agreements with the preferred contractor to enable the development of the project and authorise spend in accordance with the budget.

III.           Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to enter into any related contractual documentation (including collateral warranties or agreements) relating to the project.

IV.          Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to enter into any ancillary agreements related to the project provided that these are within the project budget.

V.            Give delegated authority to the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services to approve and enter into a Grant Agreement with Homes England for the provision of Rough Sleeper Accommodation and delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Place to administer the grant.

VI.          Approve of the allocation of an additional £80k budget to be met through a combination of capital receipts and borrowing.




1.            The Executive and Full Council have previously approved the Business Case for this site and the recommended authority is required to enter into the contract with a build contractor and approve additional budget to facilitate delivery of the new homes on this site through a JCT Design and Build Contract.  Through delivery of the project there may be a requirement to enter into project related contractual documents or ancillary agreements.

2.            The Waverley Corporate Strategy 2020-2025 sets out the Vision and Strategic Priorities for the Council. One of the strategic priorities is to ‘provide good quality housing for all income levels.’

3.            Build More, Build Better, Build for Life Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy 2022 – 2025 sets out the Council’s commitment to build homes to buy or rent for households from all income levels. The strategy has been supported by evidence studies including the Waverley Housing Affordability Study 2021.

4.            Delivery of 4 homes at Godalming including two to provide rough sleeper accommodation which will be grant funded in part by Homes England.



44.1     Cllr Palmer introduced the report, he advised that it was a project that had be ongoing for some time and was moving to the next stage.  He advised that the project had already been approved by Executive and Full Council, however the impact of inflation meant that it needed to be reviewed again.  Cllr Palmer noted that the background for the report would be heard in the exempt part of the meeting. 


44.2     Cllr Palmer confirmed that the four homes were very much in keeping with the Council’s priorities, two of which were directly dealing with cases of homelessness and all four were in line with the Council’s Strategy.  He noted that the overall impact of the proposal remained financially viable and very satisfactory.


44.3     Cllr Hyman raised a query regarding the £23 million investment on the development at Upper Aaron’s Hill.  Cllr Hyman sought further information on the return value and how many homes the Council would gain from its investment.  He also sought an update on the total investment value in writing after the meeting.


44.4     The Leader advised Cllr Hyman that he was referring to the redevelopment at Ockford Ridge, he noted that Cllr Hyman was fortunate that the Project Manager, Louisa Blundell, and both the ward councillors for Central Ockford were in attendance and may be able to respond to his questions.


44.5     The Leader asked Louisa Blundell if she recalled the net gain on homes for Ockford Ridge.  Louisa Blundell advised that she was unable to recall the figure but would respond to Cllr Hyman in writing after the meeting.


44.6     Cllr Townsend spoke of her support for the report, she advised that it met with the Council’s Corporate Strategy to build more, build better and build for life affordable housing.  She noted that she was not surprised that the costs had increased due to inflation.


44.7     Cllr Rivers also spoke in support of the report and congratulated the Housing Team for their success in gaining partial grant funding for the two homeless one-bedroom flats.


44.8     Cllr Palmer advised that if the council did not receive the research, then it would have lost its grants from Homes England and it would have been unable to provide the homeless accommodation.


44.9     Cllr Williams echoed his support for the proposal and commended the work of the Housing Team.  He welcomed and endorsed the notion of sustainable homes and was delighted to see the gradual improvement of the quality sustainable homes being built in Waverley.


44.10   The Leader thanked Louisa Blundell for all her hard work and her engagement work with local residents and all the stakeholder groups.



The Executive RESOLVED to:


       I.          Give delegated authority to the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services to approve the final form of any legal agreements and to Strategic Director (Place) to enter into the JCT Contract with the preferred contractor.


     II.          Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to approve pre contract agreements with the preferred contractor to enable the development of the project and authorise spend in accordance with the budget.


   III.          Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to enter into any related contractual documentation (including collateral warranties or agreements) relating to the project.


   IV.          Give delegated authority to the Strategic Director (Place) to enter into any ancillary agreements related to the project provided that these are within the project budget.


    V.          Give delegated authority to the Executive Head of Legal and Democratic Services to approve and enter into a Grant Agreement with Homes England for the provision of Rough Sleeper Accommodation and delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Place to administer the grant.


   VI.          Approve of the allocation of an additional £80k budget to be met through a combination of capital receipts and borrowing.




1.               The Executive and Full Council have previously approved the Business Case for this site and the recommended authority is required to enter into the contract with a build contractor and approve additional budget to facilitate delivery of the new homes on this site through a JCT Design and Build Contract.  Through delivery of the project there may be a requirement to enter into project related contractual documents or ancillary agreements.


2.               The Waverley Corporate Strategy 2020-2025 sets out the Vision and Strategic Priorities for the Council. One of the strategic priorities is to ‘provide good quality housing for all income levels.’


3.               Build More, Build Better, Build for Life Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy 2022 – 2025 sets out the Council’s commitment to build homes to buy or rent for households from all income levels. The strategy has been supported by evidence studies including the Waverley Housing Affordability Study 2021.


4.               Delivery of 4 homes at Godalming including two to provide rough sleeper accommodation which will be grant funded in part by Homes England.


Supporting documents: