Agenda item


Hybrid application including Full planning application for the erection of 216 dwellings, a new farm shop (Use Class E), change of use of existing farm shop building to rural business hub (Use Class E), provision of public open space, new sports pitches and associated infrastructure, landscaping, drainage arrangements, parking and formation of new access points following the demolition of existing buildings. Outline application (with all matters reserved except access) for the erection of a new health hub following demolition of the existing black LAND AT HURST FARM  CHAPEL LANE GODALMING GU8 5HU




Delegated authority be granted to the Executive Head of Planning Development to grant planning permission subject to conditions (including minor amendments to recommended conditions) and the completion of a legal agreement, securing affordable housing,  healthcare hub, off site pedestrian cycle way, sustainable transport provisions, open space, SUDS and playspace maintenance, and subject to planning permission being granted by Guildford Borough Council for the playing pitches.




That, in the event that the legal agreement required under recommendation A is not forthcoming within 6 months of the committee resolution, permission be REFUSED.


The Committee resolved that permission be GRANTED subject to conditions.


Representations were made by the following Member(s) of Public and duly considered by the Committee:


-        Guy Robison (Written Statement - Objection)

-        John Secret (Support)


Following the debate, the Committee voted in favour of the officers’ recommendation to grant permission unanimously, with the updates included below in red.




Delegated authority be granted to the Executive Head of Planning Development to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS (including minor amendments to recommended conditions) and the completion of a legal agreement, securing affordable housing, healthcare hub, off site pedestrian cycle way, sustainable transport provisions, open space, SUDS and playspace maintenance, and subject to planning permission being granted by Guildford Borough Council for the playing pitches.


Update: Recommendation A is also subject to prior consultation upon the application to the Secretary of State.


This consultation is only required in the event that Waverley are not minded to refuse permission. It is required because retail development is proposed outside of a defined town centre, the proposal is not wholly in accordance with the development plan and more than 5000m2 of new built floorspace is proposed.




That, in the event that the legal agreement required under recommendation A is not forthcoming within 6 months of the committee resolution, permission be REFUSED.



Conditions - Update


Please note, Officers have made changes to the detailed wording of some conditions within the condition schedule in accordance with delegated authority within the recommendation.


3 additional conditions are recommended –


Condition 54

No more than 75 residential dwellings hereby consented shall be first occupied until the vehicular and pedestrian/cycle site access onto the A3100 Portsmouth Road (including the Chapel Lane/Portsmouth Rd junction improvement/public realm scheme and the 10 No. public parking spaces for local shops) has been provided in general accordance with Iceni Drawing No. 24 Rev F and subject to the Highway Authority’s technical and safety requirements. Once provided the access and visibility splays shall be permanently retained.


Reason: To encourage the use of sustainable transport and provide highway safety and efficiency in accordance with Policies ST1 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018, DM9 of the Local Plan (Part 2) 2023 and T1 and T2 of the Witley Neighbourhood Plan (2021).


Condition 55

No more than 110 dwellings hereby consented shall be first occupied until the following has been provided, in general accordance with Iceni Drawing No’s. 01 Rev J and No. 31: • Portsmouth Road/Church Road mini-roundabout junction improvement scheme. • Station Lane/Church Road priority junction improvement scheme. • Uncontrolled pedestrian crossing on Portsmouth Road. • Portsmouth Road speed reduction measures comprising speed activated signage (VAS), traffic island and road markings.


Reason: To encourage the use of sustainable transport and provide highway safety and efficiency in accordance with Policies ST1 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018, DM9 of the Local Plan (Part 2) 2023 and T1 and T2 of the Witley Neighbourhood Plan (2021).


Condition 56

The development hereby approved shall not be commenced unless and until a scheme for the provision of electric vehicle charging points (including a strategy for their ongoing management and maintenance), in accordance with “Surrey County Council’s Vehicle, Cycle and Electric Vehicle Parking Guidance for New Development (2023)”, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The required provision shall comprise: • 1 fast charge socket (7kw Mode 3 with Type 2 Connector) per dwelling (houses and flats) • 50% of visitor spaces to be fitted with a fast charge socket (7kw Mode 3 with Type 2 Connector) and 50% provided with cable routes for future EV Charging sockets. • 50% of spaces serving the farm shop to be fitted with a fast charge socket (7kw Mode 3 with Type 2 Connector). • 50% of spaces serving the healthcare facility to be fitted with a fast charge socket (7kw Mode 3 with Type 2 Connector). • 50 % of spaces serving the rural business hub to be fitted with a fast charge socket (7kw Mode 3 with Type 2 Connector). • 50% of spaces serving the sports pitches to be fitted with a fast charge socket (7kw Mode 3 with Type 2 Connector). • All 10 No. parking spaces designated for serving the local shops and services shall be installed with cable routes for future EV Charging sockets. The Electric Vehicle Charging sockets shall be installed prior to the first occupation of each dwelling and prior to the non-residential land-uses being first brought into use/opened for trading.


Reason: To encourage the use of sustainable transport and provide highway safety and efficiency in accordance with Policies ST1 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018, DM9 of the Local Plan (Part 2) 2023 and T1 and T2 of the Witley Neighbourhood Plan (2021).



Supporting documents: