Agenda item

Notes of the previous meeting

To agree the notes of the meeting held on 29th June 2023 and published on the Council’s website.


Terry Daubney, Vice Chair and Leader of the Tenant’s Panel, asked for clarity around the re-let period. Andrew Smith, Executive Head of Housing, confirmed that the re-let period starts when the tenancy legally ends.


Matt Alexander (Housing Operations Manger) responded to the following matter’s arising from the notes of the previous meeting;


1.     Gas safety software – The Board requested more information about what the software does, when it was picked up and whether it was initiated by us or the new contractor.

“We purchased TCW earlier this year. This was initiated by WBC.  Prior to the introduction of this software, it would be a manual task of Compliance Officers to check certificates which was both time-consuming, less accurate due to human error and only a percentage of all certificates would have been checked.  In summary, this is a software package that extracts and analyses ALL certificates (not just for gas but ALL the Compliance areas) based on parameters and current regulations, and would then deem if compliant or not.  The certificates are then stored in one location and easily accessible, if and when required. Where the software deems a certificate noncompliant, this could be for numerous reasons, i.e. incorrect date, no signature, incorrect address or readings, information out of set parameters.   These would then be rechecked and investigated by the Compliance Officer and/or Contractor if necessary.
We can then use this information to quickly and accurately understand performance KPIs, create statistics and a dashboard for monthly/weekly/daily checks where considered appropriate.
Gas has been installed onto the software and we are working to ensure this is accurate. Electrical certificates are a work in progress; the initial issues have been identified but we are reliant on our contractors to assist with the ratification.  Lifts will go on next and then the remaining Compliance areas will follow.  
It has had its challenges with the sheer number of certificates, but the Compliance Team are working through these and we feel that this will ultimately be an incredibly useful/critical tool for Compliance.”

2.     The Board sought further clarification on capped gas.

“As a general rule (or certainly now going forward) we won't actively cap any tenanted property unless a health and safety risk is identified.  For example, where we could not complete a service and certificate due to debt and tenants are being difficult with access. This will be on a case-by-case basis and will be communicated with the tenant.
Otherwise, the only properties that will be capped will be void properties.
It has become apparent during this Gas review that we do have a number of tenanted properties that are capped (historical).  These have been identified and the Compliance Team in conjunction with the Housing Management Team are investigating and working with the tenants to ascertain the reasons for this.
We do have a small number of tenants that adamantly do not want to use gas.  These, again, will be investigated individually and discussed on how to proceed with these going forward (perhaps a signed letter confirming this is their instruction). But the capped gas will still be checked annually, and welfare checks will be carried out on a regular basis, particularly in the winter months. Ideally, we still want to provide gas and it is still there if required – it would just be a case of reconnecting.
For note, Capped properties should still be checked annually and welfare checks should still be initiated especially in the winter months.”



Danielle Sleightholme, Tenant’s Panel Co-optee (in writing) requested follow up on the Re-let Review and Decant Policy queries that arose from the previous meeting. Annalisa Howson (Housing Service Improvement Manager) advised that these 2 items were in progress and noted on the Forward Plan. She agreed that there were decants that had raised issues and concerns but these were being looked at forensically to identify lessons learned. Discussions with tenants had been sought and Tenant’s Panel involvement is to be arranged.


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