Agenda item

Appointments to Committees 2023/24 and other Appointments



That the Council RESOLVES that:

1.1      committee seats be allocated to political Groups and Independent Members as set out in Appendix 1;

1.2      the nominations for membership and substitute membership (where applicable) of the committees and joint committees for the 2023/24 municipal year as shown in Appendix 2 (to follow) be approved in accordance with the wishes of the political Groups;

1.3      the nominations for the election of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the committees as shown in Appendix 2 (to follow) be approved.

1.4      That in accordance with Section 28(7) of the Localism Act 2011, the Council appoints the following persons as Independent Persons for a four-year term of office expiring in May 2027:

·        Andrea Armstrong

·        Vivienne Cameron

·        Jane Clarke

·        Bill Donnelly

·        John Smith 


13.1     The Mayor introduced the report which set out the allocation of committee seats to Political Groups based on the political balance of the council. The Mayor referred Councillors to Appendix 1 of the report, which showed the allocation of committee seats based on a total of 90 committee seats, which reflected the decision just taken on the establishment of committees.


13.2     The Mayor referred Councillors to Appendix 2, which had been circulated separately, which showed Group Leaders’ nominations for appointments to committees and nominations for committee chairs and vice-chairs.


13.3     The Executive Head of Legal & Democratic Services advised that as a consequence of the amendment to the previous item there was a change to the recommendation:

·         to enable the Executive Head of Legal & Democratic Services to resolve any outstanding adjustments required to ensure that the total allocation of seats was equal to the number of seats available,

·         to approve the nominations of Members to committees as shown in Appendix 2 but to provide a delegation to the Executive Head of Legal & Democratic Services to appoint any remaining outstanding vacancies arising from the previous decision,

·         to approve the nominations of Chairs and Vice-Chairs as set out in Appendix 2, and

·         to appoint the Independent Persons as proposed.


13.4     There were no speakers, and Council RESOLVED that:


1.         committee seats be allocated to political Groups and Independent Members as set out in Appendix 1, with the Executive Head of Legal & Democratic Services authorised to resolve any outstanding adjustments required to ensure that the total allocation of seats was equal to the number of seats available;

2.         the nominations of Members to committees as shown in Appendix 2 be approved but a delegation to the Executive Head of Legal & Democratic Services be provided to appoint any remaining outstanding vacancies arising from the previous decision;

3.         the nominations of Chairs and Vice-Chairs as set out in Appendix 2 be approved, and

4.         in accordance with Section 28(7) of the Localism Act 2011, the following persons be appointed as Independent Persons for a four-year term of office expiring in May 2027:

·         Andrea Armstrong

·         Vivienne Cameron

·         Jane Clarke

·         Bill Donnelly

·         John Smith

Supporting documents: