Agenda item

Q3 Performance report

The Corporate Performance Report, set out at Annexe 1, provides an analysis of the Council’s performance for the third quarter of 2022-23. This report also includes the results of the annual review of Key Performance Indicators.


Annalisa Howson presented the Q3 Quarterly Performance Report, including a summary of information from the Executive Head of Service, the change in senior management, damp and mould, the LSAB 1 year anniversary review, information on performance through KPIs, information about complaints and the financial information.


The Chair noted that Danielle Sleighthome, Tenants Panel Co-optee, had sent a question regarding item 4.3 which indicated that the target for reletting normal void properties had been changed to 25 days. Danielle Sleighthome asked whether this target is achievable. Annalisa Howson, Service Improvement Manager, responded by telling the Board that officers hope the target is attainable however the Relet Review Process focuses on the quality of the void and the tenant experience rather than the speed. Financial analysis focuses more on creating a positive relationship with tenants, however officers are hopeful that this is achievable. She further explained that the statistics show that the 20 day target was unattainable as this has not been reached in at least 3 years and 25 days is believed to be more reasonable. The relet review aims to look at the overall experience for tenants rather than void loss.  Hugh Wagstaff, Head of Housing Operations, further explained that some properties are being returned after very long tenancies and need a lot more work including new bathrooms and kitchens being fitted, which prolongs this relet period. He stated that it is preferable to finish necessary works on the property before reletting, to improve tenant satisfaction with the quality of the relet.


Councillor Keen commented on neglected properties that required a lot of extra work. Members linked this to the knock on effect from flexible tenancies that had been fixed for 5 years and suggested that tenants may not have been invested in maintaining the property for this reason. Councillor Mulliner expanded on this by questioning if there were any measures in place to ensure that tenants maintained their properties well. Annalisa Howson explained that there was a Tenancy Audit Programme in place which would soon be reviewed as well as the responsive repair programme and stock condition surveys which would identity these issues. Issues such as neglect can also be reported when annual gas safety checks take place. Andrew Smith, Executive Head of Housing, stated that officers should have more engagement with tenants on the ground to deal with issues in social housing such as vulnerable tenants and antisocial behaviour, however staffing difficulties and resourcing have hindered this. He explained that officers could signpost to other services if issues are identified. Tanielle Wellenger (on behalf of EM Williams) noted that there was not an efficient reporting system in cases that warrants concern during gas boiler inspections. Inspectors are often directed to the website but this is generally complicated and long winded for staff with limited time.


Andrew Smith, Executive Head of Housing, actioned that this would be looked into and an easier more efficient reporting system should be put in place as well as safeguarding training for staff involved.


The Board noted the Q3 Performance report and had no further comments or recommendations to make to the Executive.








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